I've the following model:
public class Users {
public static PlayJongo jongo = Play.current().injector().instanceOf(PlayJongo.class);
public static MongoCollection users() {
return jongo.getCollection("DB.users");
public static Users authenticate(String email, String password) {
Users user = users().findOne("{email: #, removed: false}", email).as(Users.class);
if (user != null) {
if (HomeController.checkPassword(password, user.password)) {
return user;
return null;
I use that in my controllers as:
public Result authenticate() {
DynamicForm requestData = Form.form().bindFromRequest();
String email = requestData.get("email").trim();
String password = requestData.get("password").trim();
Users user = Users.authenticate(email, password);
if (user == null) {
flash("danger", "Incorrect email or password.");
return redirect(routes.HomeController.login());
session("email", user.getEmail());
session("role", user.getRole());
session("fullname", user.getLastname() + " " + user.getFirstname());
session("id", user.getId().toString());
return redirect(routes.HomeController.index());
I tried a lot of combination to use injection with play-jongo without result. E.g.
public PlayJongo jongo;
public MongoCollection users() {
return jongo.getCollection("DocBox.users");
I enter in a loop of static/non-static referenced context errors. If I remove all static declaration, I'm unable to call Users.method. If I try to inject Users to a controller
public class HomeController extends Controller {
public Users users;
and try to call a Users method:
Users user = users.authenticate(email, password);
I receive a org.jongo.marshall.MarshallingException. My brain is definitively goes overheating, someone can explain me how to use Injection with play-jongo?
I solve the problem. Now I've a UsersRepository that contains the methods that operate on the mongo collection (authenticate, addUser, et al.). And a Users object that only contains the actual data fields (firstname, lastname, email, etc.).
After that I can inject UsersRepository into my controller and use that one instance everywhere.
Thanks to Greg Methvin, Tech Lead - Play Framework