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How to use transparent image in WinCe 5.0?

Found examples of using transparency with a background image, but this option does not suit me. Since it is assumed that the background will change upon certain actions.


  • Not sure what you are doing as details are light, but hope this is helpful. We use icons (.ico) files with transparency as follows. These just change the background to a single colour. If you need more complex behaviour, then this may not be suitable.

    • Add some icons (with transparent backgrounds) to your project. Set the Build Action as Embedded Resource. In the example below we use an icon called ico1.ico.

    • Define a structure to hold your icons. Depending on the number of background colours you require, there would be an instance for each icon/colour combination you need. If the number is very large or unknown at design-time then you'll need to create the icons on-the-fly.

      public struct CacheGraphics
          public Bitmap ico1White, ico1Blue;
      public static CacheGraphics cacheGraphics;`
    • Cache the icons:

      cacheGraphics.ico1White = new Bitmap(GetIconImage("ico1", Color.White));
      cacheGraphics.ico1Blue = new Bitmap(GetIconImage("ico1", Color.Blue));`
    • Write a helper function which modifies the background colour:

      private static Bitmap GetIconImage(string szIcon, Color clrBackground)
          // Convert an embedded icon into an image
          // Load icon
          string szImage = ("YOUR-PROJECT.Resources.Icons." + szIcon + ".ico");
          Assembly _assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
          Stream file = _assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(szImage);
          Icon icoTmp = new Icon(file);
          // Create new image
          Bitmap bmpNewIcon = new Bitmap(icoTmp.Width, icoTmp.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);
          // Create a graphics context and set the background colour
          Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpNewIcon);
          // Draw current icon onto the bitmap
          g.DrawIcon(icoTmp, 0, 0);
          // Clean up...
          // Return the new image
          return bmpNewIcon;
    • Define a simple alias for each icon:

      // Alias which goes at the top of any file using icons: using icons = YOUR-PROJECT.CCommon.AppIcons;
      public enum AppIcons
    • Write a helper function to return the cached icon on request:

      public static Image GetCachedIcon(AppIcons eIcon)
          // Return a cached icon image. These icons are cached at application startup.
          Image imgIcon = null;
          switch (eIcon)
              // System Settings > Advanced
              case AppIcons.ICO1_WHITE:
                  imgIcon = (Image)cacheGraphics.ico1White; break;
              case AppIcons.ICO1_BLUE:
                  imgIcon = (Image)cacheGraphics.ico1Blue; break;
          return imgIcon;
    • Use icon when required:

      picturebox1.Image = CCommon.GetCachedIcon(icons.ICO1_WHITE);
      picturebox2.Image = CCommon.GetCachedIcon(icons.ICO1_BLUE);