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Updating Podio Item using Podio API in C# .Net

I am new to Podio and consuming Podio API in c# .net. I am able to fetch item collections, create item using API and webhooks in .Net. But I am stuck up on updating item. I am using webhook on item update of ITEMX.Update. But I am getting error while updating the item.

While testing I have tried,

  • To assign new values to fields.
  • Just fetched item using ItemId and immediately called ItemUpdate() method without any change to fetched item

But still getting error. Last sentence of error message says:

"\\"item_id\\": 99999999, \\"revision\\": 0} (object): must be integer\",\"request\":{\"url\":\"\",\"query_string\":\"\",\"method\":\"PUT\"}}"}

I tried many things and refereed lot of documentation but didn't found solution. Can someone please help to get this done?


  public static async Task<int> UpdateCalculationsInGMApp(int appItemId)
    //Get related GMApp

        var _Podio = new Podio(Helper.ApiClientId, Helper.ClientSecret);
        AppMaster Ratesapp = Helper.GetAppToken("Costing Rates", "VikramTestWS");
        await _Podio.AuthenticateWithApp(Ratesapp.AppId, Ratesapp.Token);

        Item ratesPodioItem = await _Podio.ItemService.GetItem(appItemId);
 //Item fetched successfully here
        //thentried to set one of the field with new value. Later on commented and tested but didn't worked
        //var pm_Rate = ratesPodioItem.Field<NumericItemField>("pm-rate");
        //pm_Rate.Value = 100;

            int x = (int)await _Podio.ItemService.UpdateItem(ratesPodioItem, null, null, true, true);
        catch (Exception excp)
            Logger.AddToLog(DateTime.Now, excp.Message, "Error: updating podio item" + ratesPodioItem.ItemId.ToString());


  • You might be using the fetched item object itself to to update back to Podio. That will not work. You need to create a brand new Item object and do the update job. See the documentation here: