I have to hash a lot of stuff...and I keep the hash as a kind of content identity. I use these things everywhere. The hashes are 20-byte arrays and I recently changed them to a (seemingly) simple unsafe struct
in a c# project that has a ToString()
method. However, at runtime, the visualization is always the default value (all zero) - even after the content changes.
The only instance data in the struct is a fixed byte array, which gets written-to by a number of methods. Without the ToString()
method, the visualizer showed some lame representation of the value - but it was (I think) the address of the fixed array.
None of the permuting methods results in the visualizer changing from the default visualization.
For example:
Even though the ToString() method produces the following:
...which is the expected value (and expected visualization).
I've tried [DebuggerDisplay( "{ToString()}" )]
and making the thing serializable, but still get the same results. So, does this mean I'm out of luck on unsafe structs, or am I doing something wrong that I haven't pinpointed?
My apologies for not putting in a complete, verifiable sample. Here's a complete console app that demonstrates the issue. Just replace the content of Class1.cs with this code and you'll see the problem.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main( string[ ] args )
// sample data...
var bytes = new byte[ 20 ] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 };
var hash1 = Hash.FromBytes( bytes ); //deserailize a hash from array
Debug.WriteLine( hash1 );
var hash2 = new Hash( bytes, 0, 20 ); //computes a hash over array
Debug.WriteLine( hash2 );
using ( var stream = new MemoryStream( bytes ) )
var hash3 = new Hash( );// empty hash
hash3.Read( stream ); // deserialize a hash from stream
Debug.WriteLine( hash3 );
stream.Position = 0;
var hash4 = new Hash( stream ); //compute hash over stream
Debug.WriteLine( hash4 );
var hash5 = new Hash( "Compute the hash of a string" );
Debug.WriteLine( hash5 );
Debug.Assert( hash1 == hash3, "Oops!" );
Debug.Assert( hash2 == hash4, "Nope!" );
Debug.Assert( hash1 != hash2, "Golly!" );
Debug.Assert( hash3 != hash4, "Shucks!" );
/// <summary>Represents a hash of a string or byte array</summary>
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )]
public unsafe struct Hash: IComparable<Hash>
#region statics and constants
/// <summary>Character map for byte array to string</summary>
readonly static char[ ] hex = new char[ ] {
'0', '1', '2', '3',
'4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', 'a', 'b',
'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
/// <summary>Synchronization primitive</summary>
readonly static object sync = new object( );
/// <summary>Buffer for reading hashes from streams, strings, and arrays</summary>
readonly static byte[ ] buffer = new byte[ 20 ];
/// <summary>ToString workspace</summary>
static char[ ] hexChars = new char[ Length * 2 ];
/// <summary>Returns a hash that has no value</summary>
public readonly static Hash EmptyHash = new Hash( );
/// <summary>Retruns the length of any <see cref="Hash"/></summary>
public const int Length = 20;
/// <summary>Returns a <see cref="HashAlgorithm"/> that the system uses to compute hashes</summary>
public static HashAlgorithm GetHasher( )
return new SHA1Managed( );
#region private data
/// <summary>A pointer to the underlying data</summary>
fixed byte value[ 20 ];
#region construction
/// <summary>Creates a hash from a string</summary>
public Hash( string hashable )
fixed ( byte* bytes = value, sourceBytes = GetHasher( ).ComputeHash( Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes( hashable ) ) )
NativeMethods.CopyMemory( bytes, sourceBytes, Length );
/// <summary>Creates a hash from a byte array</summary>
public Hash( byte[ ] source, int index, int length )
fixed ( byte* bytes = value, sourceBytes = GetHasher( ).ComputeHash( source, index, length ) )
NativeMethods.CopyMemory( bytes, sourceBytes, Length );
/// <summary>Creates a hash from a series of hashes</summary>
public Hash( IEnumerable<Hash> hashes )
var hasher = GetHasher( );
var buffer = new byte[ Length ];
hashes.Do( key =>
key.CopyTo( buffer );
hasher.TransformBlock( buffer, 0, Length, buffer, 0 );
} );
hasher.TransformFinalBlock( buffer, 0, 0 );
fixed ( byte* bytes = value, source = hasher.Hash )
NativeMethods.CopyMemory( bytes, source, Length );
/// <summary>Creates a hash over a stream from current position to end</summary>
public Hash( Stream stream )
const int bufferSize = 4096;
var hasher = GetHasher( );
var bytesRead = 0;
var buffer = new byte[ bufferSize ];
while ( true )
bytesRead = stream.Read( buffer, 0, bufferSize );
if ( bytesRead == 0 )
hasher.TransformFinalBlock( buffer, 0, 0 );
hasher.TransformBlock( buffer, 0, bytesRead, buffer, 0 );
fixed ( byte* bytes = value, source = hasher.Hash )
NativeMethods.CopyMemory( bytes, source, Length );
#region methods
/// <summary>Copies the hash to the start of a byte array</summary>
public void CopyTo( byte[ ] buffer )
CopyTo( buffer, 0 );
/// <summary>Copies the hash to a byte array</summary>
public void CopyTo( byte[ ] buffer, int offset )
if ( buffer == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof( buffer ) );
if ( buffer.Length < ( offset + Length ) ) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( nameof( buffer ) );
fixed ( byte* bytes = value, dest = buffer )
NativeMethods.CopyMemory( dest + offset, bytes, Length );
/// <summary>Returns a byte-array representation of the <see cref="Hash"/></summary>
/// <remarks>The returned value is a copy</remarks>
public byte[ ] GetBytes( )
var results = new byte[ Length ];
fixed ( byte* bytes = value, target = results )
NativeMethods.CopyMemory( target, bytes, Length );
return results;
/// <summary>Compares this hash to another</summary>
public int CompareTo( Hash other )
var comparedByte = 0;
fixed ( byte* bytes = value )
for ( int i = 0; i < Length; i++ )
comparedByte = ( *( bytes + i ) ).CompareTo( other.value[ i ] );
if ( comparedByte != 0 ) break;
return comparedByte;
/// <summary>Returns true if <paramref name="obj"/> is a <see cref="Hash"/> and it's value exactly matches</summary>
/// <param name="obj">The <see cref="Hash"/> to compare to this one</param>
/// <returns>true if the values match</returns>
public override bool Equals( object obj )
if ( obj == null || !( obj is Hash ) ) return false;
var other = ( Hash ) obj;
return CompareTo( other ) == 0;
/// <summary>Returns a .Net hash code for this <see cref="Hash"/></summary>
public override int GetHashCode( )
int hashCode = 17;
fixed ( byte* bytes = value )
for ( int i = 0; i < Length; i++ )
hashCode = hashCode * 31 + *( bytes + i );
return hashCode;
/// <summary>Returns a hex string representation of the hash</summary>
public override string ToString( )
lock ( sync )
fixed ( char* hexFixed = hex, hexCharsFixed = hexChars )
fixed ( byte* bytes = value )
for ( int i = 0; i < Length; i++ )
*( hexCharsFixed + ( i * 2 ) ) = *( hexFixed + ( *( bytes + i ) >> 4 ) );
*( hexCharsFixed + ( 1 + ( i * 2 ) ) ) = *( hexFixed + ( *( bytes + i ) & 0xf ) );
return new string( hexChars );
/// <summary>Reads a <see cref="Hash"/> from the provided stream</summary>
public void Read( Stream stream )
lock ( sync )
var retryCount = 0;
var bytesRead = ReadStream( stream, buffer, 0, Length, ref retryCount );
if ( bytesRead == Length )
fixed ( byte* bytes = value, sourceBytes = buffer )
NativeMethods.CopyMemory( bytes, sourceBytes, Length );
/// <summary>Tries hard to populate a <see cref="Hash"/> from a stream - across multiple reads if necessary - up to a point</summary>
int ReadStream( Stream stream, byte[ ] buffer, int offset, int length, ref int retryCount )
const int maxStreamReadRetries = 3;
var bytesRead = stream.Read( buffer, offset, length );
var done = bytesRead == 0 || bytesRead == length; // eos, timeout, or success
if ( !done )
if ( retryCount++ >= maxStreamReadRetries ) return 0;
bytesRead += ReadStream( stream, buffer, bytesRead, length - bytesRead, ref retryCount );
return bytesRead;
/// <summary>Writes the hash to a stream</summary>
public void Write( Stream stream )
lock ( sync )
fixed ( byte* bytes = value, targetBytes = buffer )
NativeMethods.CopyMemory( targetBytes, bytes, Length );
stream.Write( buffer, 0, Length );
/// <summary>Returns true if the hash has no value</summary>
public bool IsEmpty( )
return Equals( EmptyHash );
/// <summary>Returns the result of XORing two <see cref="Hash"/>es</summary>
public static Hash Combine( Hash a, Hash b )
var results = new Hash( );
for ( int i = 0; i < Length; i++ )
*( results.value + i ) = ( byte ) ( *( a.value + i ) ^ *( b.value + i ) );
return results;
/// <summary>Returns the first non-empty hash from a list</summary>
public static Hash FirstNotEmpty( params Hash[ ] hashes )
foreach ( var hash in hashes ) if ( !hash.IsEmpty( ) ) return hash;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( nameof( hashes ) );
/// <summary>Implements == operator</summary>
public static bool operator ==( Hash a, Hash b )
return a.Equals( b );
/// <summary>Implements != operator</summary>
public static bool operator !=( Hash a, Hash b )
return !a.Equals( b );
/// <summary>Converts a byte array to a <see cref="Hash"/></summary>
public static Hash FromBytes( byte[ ] hashBytes, int offset = 0 )
if ( hashBytes == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof( hashBytes ) );
if ( ( hashBytes.Length + offset ) < Length ) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( nameof( hashBytes ) );
var hash = new Hash( );
fixed ( byte* sourceBytes = hashBytes )
NativeMethods.CopyMemory( hash.value, sourceBytes + offset, Length );
return hash;
class NativeMethods
[DllImport( "Kernel32", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "CopyMemory" )]
internal unsafe static extern void CopyMemory( void* destination, void* source, uint length );
static class Extensions
/// <summary>Applies action to each element of the collection.</summary>
public static void Do<T>( this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, Action<T> action )
if ( enumerable == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "enumerable" );
if ( action == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "action" );
foreach ( var item in enumerable ) action( item );
Set a breakpoint near the end of the main method and let your cursor hover over any of the hash1 through hash5 variables after they've been created.
Note: You have to set allow unsafe code in the project properties.
Under Tools->Options->Debugging->General->Enable "Use Managed Compatibility Mode". It would work well.