I can't put my finger on why is it not working. I ran a simulation on edaplayground
, and I get an "x" in the output every time the select changes to 0. I properly get "1" when sel is "1" though.
The code:
module mux8_2(input [3:0]a,[3:0]b,sel,output [3:0]out);
assign out=(sel)?a:b;
and the testbench:
module mux8_2_tb;
reg [3:0]A;
reg [3:0]B;
reg SEL;
wire [3:0]OUT;
mux8_2 UUT(A,B,SEL,OUT);
A=4'b1; B=4'b0; SEL=1'b1;
#1 SEL=1'b0;
#1 SEL=1'b1;
#1 SEL=1'b0;
#1 SEL=1'b1;
#1 SEL=1'b0;
#1 SEL=1'b1;
I can't reproduce your results; the OUT
signal is always known for me.
But, I do get a compile warning:
The following 1-bit expression is connected to 4-bit port "sel" of module
"mux8_2", instance "UUT"
This can be fixed:
module mux8_2(input [3:0]a,[3:0]b, input sel,output [3:0]out);
In your code sel
inherited the width from the previous signal ([3:0]b
). Your code is equivalent to:
module mux8_2(input [3:0]a,[3:0]b,[3:0]sel,output [3:0]out);
Adding another input
keyword before sel
forces it to use the default width of 1 bit.