Just curious what versions of cql are supported in Cassandra 3.9. I know that cql 3.4.2 is supported in Cassandra 3.9, but whether 3.4.3 is supported too? and how to upgrade/config Cassandra 3.9 to use cql 3.4.3?
I searched on Internet, I found some information such as Which CQL version corresponds to which Cassandra version?, https://docs.datastax.com/en/landing_page/doc/landing_page/compatibility.html, and so on, but these posts can not help me.
Any comments welcomed. Thanks
Just curious what versions of cql are supported in Cassandra 3.9
CQL adheres to semantic versioning, meaning that a server supporting 3.4.2 should support anything in the range [3.0, 3.4.2].
but whether 3.4.3 is supported too? and how to upgrade/config Cassandra 3.9 to use cql 3.4.3?
A given version of Cassandra has a fixed maximum CQL spec. For 3.9, it is 3.4.2, as you point out. There is no way to configure a higher version. To get features from the next CQL spec requires upgrading Cassandra (note that all the changes for 3.4.3 have fixVer=3.10)