I've got a working Java project which uses an Access .accdb database to store data. I am working on an update for my program to provide more features for the user. For this to work I need to add a column to an existing table filled with data. As I researched I found out that UCanAccess could not support
ALTER TABLE TableName ADD ColumName DataType
This is unfortunate, but I understand that since the low level drivers don't support it, UCanAccess can't support it either.
I then found this workaround:
How to alter table using UCanAccess
but this won't work for me either, because 1. I'm using .accdb and 2. I can't be sure the users have Microsoft Access installed.
Then I had the idea to clone the current Table with 1 extra column, clone all data into it, drop the old one and rename the new one to the Name of the old one. But i don't know how to do this.
Does anyone know a better way or know how to implement my idea?
Jackcess 2.1.5 added the ability to add a new column to an existing table. There are plans to expand DDL support in UCanAccess to enable ALTER TABLE
, but in the meantime if you update your project to use Jackcess 2.1.5 or later (in place of the earlier Jackcess version in the UCanAccess lib/
folder) then you can add your column like so:
// use the Jackcess (2.1.5 or later) API directly
// to add a column to an existing table
// Note: Close any open UCanAccess connection first.
com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Database db =
com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.DatabaseBuilder.open(new File(dbFileSpec));
new com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.ColumnBuilder("newCol")
UCanAccess versions 4.0.0 and above now support ALTER TABLE
, e.g.,
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
stmt.execute("ALTER TABLE TableName ADD COLUMN newCol LONG");