So, I'm trying to model some long computation. for this purpose I'm computing the fibonacci number. In case when computation takes to much time I need to reject it.
The question: why TimeoutErrror
handler doesn't work? How to fix the code?
const expect = require('chai').expect
const Promise = require('bluebird')
function profib(n, prev = '0', cur = '1') {
return new Promise.resolve(n < 2)
.then(function(isTerm) {
if(isTerm) {
return cur
} else {
n = n - 2
return profib(n, cur, strAdd(cur, prev));
const TIMEOUT = 10000
const N = 20000
describe('recursion', function() {
it.only('cancelation', function() {
this.timeout(2 * TIMEOUT)
let prom = profib(N).timeout(1000)
.catch(Promise.TimeoutError, function(e) {
console.log('timeout', e)
return '-1'
return prom.then((num) => {
const strAdd = function(lnum, rnum) {
lnum = lnum.split('').reverse();
rnum = rnum.split('').reverse();
var len = Math.max(lnum.length, rnum.length),
acc = 0;
res = [];
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var subres = Number(lnum[i] || 0) + Number(rnum[i] || 0) + acc;
acc = ~~(subres / 10); // integer division
res.push(subres % 10);
if (acc !== 0) {
return res.reverse().join('');
Some info about environment:
➜ node -v
➜ npm list --depth=0
├── bluebird@3.4.6
├── chai@3.5.0
└── mocha@3.2.0
If I'm reading your code correctly profib
does not exit until it's finished.
Timeouts are not interrupts. They are just events added to the list of events for the browser/node to run. The browser/node runs the next event when the code for the current event finishes.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
for(var i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
Even though the timeout is set for 1 millisecond it doesn't appear until after the loop finishes (Which takes about 5 seconds on my machine)
You can see the same problem with a simple forever loop
const TIMEOUT = 10000
describe('forever', function() {
it.only('cancelation', function() {
this.timeout(2 * TIMEOUT)
while(true) { } // loop forever
Run in with your environment and you'll see it never times out. JavaScript does not support interrupts, it only supports events.
As for fixing the code you need to insert a call to setTimeout. For example, let's change forever loop so it exits (and therefore allows other events)
const TIMEOUT = 100
function alongtime(n) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
function loopTillDone() {
if (n) {
} else {
describe('forever', function() {
it.only('cancelation', function(done) {
this.timeout(2 * TIMEOUT)
Unfortunately using setTimeout is really a slow operation and arguably shouldn't be used in a function like profib
. I don't really know what to suggest.