I am trying to use popover in bootstrap 4.The toggle button I set in on the top right corner.
first if I set the popover on the buttom:
$(function () {
placement: 'bottom'
the popover will be displayed with part off the screen like:
then I try to use 'auto' instead of 'bottom' in the placement, but in this case the popover does not work...
after that I use 'bottom' in the placement again and use offset to move popover 50px to the left and increase the width of the popover:
placement: 'bottom',
offset: '0 50px'
width: 270px;
then the popover show like this:
now the popover-arrow position is misplaced, I try to move the arrow position with ''shown.bs.popover' event like:
$('[data-toggle="popover"]').on('shown.bs.popover', function () {
$('.popover.bottom .popover-arrow:after').css('right', 50 + 'px');
but it doesn't work....
Does any one know how to move the arrow postion or hide the arrow when shows up?
Thanks in advance.
You can adjust the position of the arrow with the following styles:
Bootstrap 3
.popover.bottom > .arrow {
margin-left: 50px;
Bootstrap 4
left: 65%;