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How to decorate the Scala Int class with a custom impicit to convert to binary String

I want to use the following method:

 def toBinary(i : Int, digits: Int = 8) =
                String.format("%" + digits + "s", i.toBinaryString).replace(' ', '0')

and turn it into a implicit conversion in order to "decorate" the scala Int class, RichInt so to achieve the following :

3.toBinary     //> res1: String = 00000011
3.toBinary(8)  //> res1: String = 00000011

instead of the call toBinary(3)

How can i achieve this ?

[EDIT] After looking to the link sugested i got the following which works

implicit class ToBinaryString(i :Int ) {
    def toBinary(digits: Int = 8) =
                String.format("%" + digits + "s", i.toBinaryString).replace(' ', '0')

  3.toBinary(8)                                   //> res2: String = 00000011

I can't use it though without the default parameter, i would like to be able to write 3.toBinary


  • object A extends App {
      implicit class RichInt(i: Int) {
        def toBinary(digits: Int = 8): String =
          String.format("%" + digits + "s", i.toBinaryString).replace(' ', '0')



    // EDIT If you want to call 3.toBinary without parenthesis I guess you have to provide a method without parameters:

    object A extends App {
      implicit class RichInt(i: Int) {
        def toBinary(digits: Int): String =
          String.format("%" + digits + "s", i.toBinaryString).replace(' ', '0')
        def toBinary: String = toBinary(8)

    This one works for me but I'm not Scala expert so there might be better way of doing this.