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RxJS: Observable.create() vs. Observable.from()

What's the difference between these two?

return Observable.create(function(observer) {
    if (array)[]);


return Observable.from( array ? [] : null );

I thought it could be the same but didn't work the same.


  • The create(...) is a generic Observable factory method for creating an Observable in which you will explicitly dictate how values are passed to the Subscriber

    For instance, if you were to create a timer base Observable (don't it already exists as Observable.timer) you could do:

       Observable.create(observer => {
         const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
         }, 500);
         return () => clearTimeout(timeoutId);

    The from(...) is what I call a conformance operator in that it attempts to coerce a passed in data type into an Observable (make it conform). This means that it will accept a variety of types and convert them into Observables. These types include:

    • Arrays
    • Promises
    • Generators
    • Observable-like things

    There are specific converters as well that you can find such as fromArray and fromPromise which specifically convert those types, but from more of a swiss-army knife of those methods

    If you just need a single value you should be using Observable.of (the docs appear to be out of date, just/return was renamed to of in RxJS 5 and I don't think they are aliased anymore).


    // Don't quote me on the import part
    import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';
    Observable.of(1, 2, 3, 4).subscribe();