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Allocated memory size by pointer in RPGLE

Is there a way to retrive the allocated memory size by a pointer in RPGLE?
Memory is allocated with %ALLOC() bif.


  • I would take the following approach. Build a dynamic array service program that contains the necessary sub-procedures to process a dynamic array. Functions like:

    • CreateArray() - creates a dynamic array and returns a handle to it (could be a pointer)
    • ArrayPush(handle: element) - adds an element to the end of the array
    • ArrayPop(handle) - removes and returns the last element in the array
    • ArraySize(handle) - returns the current number of elements in the array
    • etc.

    The caller would know the size of the elements, but you can use varchar and options(*varying) to allow the sub-procedure to determine the length of the element being loaded, or if you would be loading data structures, you could use opdesc. Specifying `opdesc' is entirely transparent to the caller, it would be specified in the prototype, so the caller doesn't even have to know about it. The sub-procedure can then use a system API to interrogate the operational descriptor. I believe it is a CEE API, you can look that up. To hold the array, you can use a user space. The nice thing about them is you don't have to reallocate when you space is full, it expands automatically up to 16Mb.

    Or you could use a pointerr to the user space to back the based array. Ted Holt has examples of doing what you are looking for here.

    Here is my sub-procedure to create an auto-extending user space and return a pointer to it.

       // Standard Error Code Format
       dcl-ds ErrorCdType1_t   Qualified Template Inz;
         BytesProv             Int(10)   Inz(%size(ErrorCdType1_t));
         BytesAvail            Int(10);
         MsgId                 Char(7);
         Data                  Char(1024) Pos(17);
       // Qualified Name
       dcl-s Name_t            Char(10) Template Inz('');
       dcl-ds QualName_t       Qualified Template Inz;
         Name                  Like(Name_t) Inz('');
         Lib                   Like(Name_t) Inz('*LIBL');
       // =====================================================================
       // User Space APIs
       // =====================================================================
       // Create User Space
       dcl-pr CreateUs;
         UserSpace             LikeDs(QualName_t) Const;
         Description           Char(50) Const;
         ReturnPtr             Pointer;
         ErrorCd               LikeDs(ErrorCdType1_t)
       dcl-pr quscrtus     ExtPgm('QUSCRTUS');
         UserSpace             LikeDs(QualName_t) Const;
         ExtAttribute          Char(10)  Const;
         InitialSize           Int(10)   Const;
         InitialValue          Char(1)   Const;
         PublicAuthority       Char(10)  Const;
         TextDescription       Char(50)  Const;
         Replace               Char(10)  Const  Options(*NoPass);
         ErrorCd               LikeDs(ErrorCdType1_t)
         Domain                Char(10)  Const  Options(*NoPass);
         XferSizeReq           Int(10)   Const  Options(*NoPass);
         OptimumSpaceAlign     Char(1)   Const  Options(*NoPass);
       // Return Pointer to User Space
       dcl-pr qusptrus     ExtPgm('QUSPTRUS');
         UserSpace             LikeDs(QualName_t) Const;
         ReturnPtr             Pointer;
         ErrorCd               LikeDs(ErrorCdType1_t)
       // Change User Space Attributes
       dcl-pr quscusat     ExtPgm('QUSCUSAT');
         ReturnedLib           Char(10);
         UserSpace             LikeDs(QualName_t) Const;
         Attribs               LikeDs(us_Attributes_t) Const;
         Error                 LikeDs(ErrorCdType1_t);
       // ----- Data Structures -------
       dcl-ds us_VariableLengthRec_t   Qualified Template Inz;
         key              Int(10) Inz(0);
         datalen          Int(10) Inz(0);
         data             Int(10);
         charData         Char(1) Overlay(data);
       dcl-ds us_Attributes_t   Qualified Template Inz;
         numRec           Int(10) Inz(0);
         vlRecs           LikeDs(us_VariableLengthRec_t) Dim(5)
       // ----- Constants -------------
       // Variable Length Record Key
       dcl-c USATR_AUTO_EXTEND       3;   // data Char(1) *On or *Off
       // -----------------------------
       // Create an automatically extendable user space
       // -----------------------------
       dcl-proc CreateUs Export;
         dcl-pi *n;
           UserSpace             LikeDs(QualName_t) Const;
           Description           Char(50) Const;
           ReturnPtr             Pointer;
           ErrorCd               LikeDs(ErrorCdType1_t)
         dcl-ds ercd      LikeDs(ErrorCdType1_t)  Inz(*LikeDs);
         dcl-ds usatr     LikeDs(us_Attributes_t) Inz(*LikeDs);
         dcl-ds MsgFile   LikeDs(QualName_t)      Inz(*LikeDs);
         dcl-s Lib        Char(10) Inz('');
         if %parms() >= %parmnum(ErrorCd);
           ercd = ErrorCd;
         // Create User Space
         quscrtus(UserSpace: '': 8192: x'00': '*EXCLUDE': Description:
                  '*NO': ercd);
         if ercd.msgid <> '';
           exsr CheckErcd;
         // Retrieve a pointer to the space
         qusptrus(UserSpace: ReturnPtr: ercd);
         if ercd.msgid <> '';
           exsr CheckErcd;
         // Make Space automatically extendable
         usatr.numrec = 1;
         usatr.vlrecs(1).key = USATR_AUTO_EXTEND;
         usatr.vlrecs(1).datalen = 1;
         usatr.vlrecs(1).chardata = *On;
         quscusat(Lib: UserSpace: usatr: ercd);
         if ercd.msgid <> '';
           exsr CheckErcd;
         // ===========================
         begsr CheckErcd;
           if %parms() >= %parmnum(ErrorCd);
             ErrorCd = ercd;
             // Send an escape message if you want to here

    I did not include the code to send the escape message on error here, but you should be able to fill in those blanks. It is simply be a call to QMHSNDPM.

    You call CreateUS something like this.

    dcl-s pHandle       Pointer Inz(*null);
    dcl-ds ercd         LikeDs(ErrorCdType1_t) Inz(*LikeDs);
    CreateUS('TMPARRAY  QTEMP': 'Temporary Dynamic Array':
        pHandle: errcd);

    You can use the user space like this:

    dcl-ds dynArray     Qualified Dim(32767) Based(pArray);
      dsField1          Char(10);
      dsField2          Char(10);
    dcl-s pArray        Pointer Inz(*null);
    // Create the user space
    pArray = pHandle;

    Now you can add elements to your hearts content up to 32767 elements. You can define the dimensions of the array as larger if you want. Using this technique, your array isn't really dynamic, it actually has 32767 elements. But the storage isn't on your program heap, it is in a permanent user space object in QTEMP. To make it truly dynamic you would have to write the service program described above. It's not a huge task, but it isn't trivial either. Maybe this is an open source project waiting to happen.