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Delphi Excel UDF with Variant return Type

I have an add-in that registers UDFs using ExecuteExcel4Macro. this is working fine. The add-in only registers when it detects a compatible workbook in the current session.

The problem is I want to change the current UDF from returning just a char but a char or an excel error.

I found some articles about using the Type library but I believe that means my UDF will always be registered and I want to control when I register them.

I currently Register with

ExcelApp.ExecuteExcel4Macro('REGISTER("filepath","add-in-name","AccountDescription","CC","Account Id","My Addin group")');

function AccountDescription ( sAccountId: PChar ) : PChar ; stdcall ;

I am using add-in-express to help with excel automation. The CC indicates that the function accepts a null terminated string and expects a null terminated string returned. I am not sure if I can specify a variant so I can return Excel2000.xlErrNa.

Edit: Fixed function call above I forgot REGISTER.

Edit (2): The 4th parameter in the register function contains the udf parameter and return value types. I'm not sure how to indicate a variant.

Edit (3): The dll / project is called DynacViews2 and in the DynacViews2.dll source file there is :

exports AccountDescription;

Sorry if this is a little fragmented. I want to emphasis that this is working with the code above currently. The issue is trying to get change the signature of AccountDescription to return an OleVariant instead of a PChar.

The reason for the change is I want to return a string or an Excel Error. Other examples online including add-in-express, show using the TypeLibrary to add the function and specify the return type as variant. This creates a signature using OleVariant and a string or Excel Error(Excel2000.xlErrNa) can be returned. The problem is I am using the VBA REGISTER function to only add the UDF's if the workbook is compatible.

I may be tackling this problem incorrectly.

Edit 4: Example of Register usage - This link shows the register usage but doesn't link to any microsoft site so there is no explanation of how to specify the parameters.


  • According to Using the CALL and Register Functions, Variant is not among the supported data types.

    Code  Description                            Pass by               C Declaration
    A     Logical (FALSE = 0), TRUE = 1)         Value                 short int
    B     IEEE 8-byte floating-point number      Value (Windows)       double (Windows)
                                                 Reference (Macintosh) double * (Macintosh)
    C     Null-terminated string                 Reference             char *
          (maximum length=255)
    D     Byte-counted string (first byte        Reference             Unsigned char *
          contains length of string, maximum 
          string length = 255 characters)
    E     IEEE 8-byte floating-point number      Reference             double *
    F     Null-terminated string (maximum        Reference (modify     char *
          string length = 255 characters)        in place)
    G     Byte-counted string (first byte        Reference (modify
          contains length of string, maximum     in place)             unsigned char *
          string length = 255 characters)
    H     Unsigned 2-byte integer                Value                 unsigned short int
    I     Signed 2-byte integer                  Value                 short int
    J     Signed 4-byte integer                  Value                 long int
    K     Array                                  Reference             FP *
    L     Logical (FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1)          Reference             short int *
    M     Signed 2-byte integer                  Reference             short int *
    N     Signed 4-byte integer                  Reference             long int *
    O     Array                                  Reference             Three arguments are 
                                                                       unsigned short int *
                                                                       unsigned short int *
                                                                       double [ ]
    P     Microsoft Excel OPER data structure    Reference             OPER *
    R     Microsoft Excel XLOPER data structure  Reference             XLOPER *