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Why do source control entries keep getting added back to my .sln file?

I was able to finally get a legacy ASP.NET project to run which I have been tasked to maintain. A question about it and my tentative auto-answer is here.

In a nutshell, it seems one of the things I needed to do to get it to run was to clean out the TFS files and sections referring to them in the .sln file.

As to the latter, I remove these entries from the solution (.sln) file:

SccProjectName = "SAK"
SccAuxPath = "SAK"
SccLocalPath = "SAK"
SccProvider = "SAK"

...but they have been added back for some reason, so that my .sln contains them again, and for context/full disclosure is:

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2013
VisualStudioVersion = 12.0.40629.0
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{E24C65DC-7377-472B-9ABA-BC803B73C61A}") = "MembersOrderEntry", "MembersOrderEntry", "{7D7D3972-0891-4600-BCBC-

    ProjectSection(WebsiteProperties) = preProject
        SccProjectName = "SAK"
        SccAuxPath = "SAK"
        SccLocalPath = "SAK"
        SccProvider = "SAK"
        TargetFrameworkMoniker = ".NETFramework,Version%3Dv3.5"
        Debug.AspNetCompiler.VirtualPath = "/MembersOrderEntry"
        Debug.AspNetCompiler.PhysicalPath = "MembersOrderEntry\"
        Debug.AspNetCompiler.TargetPath = "PrecompiledWeb\MembersOrderEntry\"
        Debug.AspNetCompiler.Updateable = "true"
        Debug.AspNetCompiler.ForceOverwrite = "true"
        Debug.AspNetCompiler.FixedNames = "false"
        Debug.AspNetCompiler.Debug = "True"
        Release.AspNetCompiler.VirtualPath = "/MembersOrderEntry"
        Release.AspNetCompiler.PhysicalPath = "MembersOrderEntry\"
        Release.AspNetCompiler.TargetPath = "PrecompiledWeb\MembersOrderEntry\"
        Release.AspNetCompiler.Updateable = "true"
        Release.AspNetCompiler.ForceOverwrite = "true"
        Release.AspNetCompiler.FixedNames = "false"
        Release.AspNetCompiler.Debug = "False"
        VWDPort = "2030"
        VWDDynamicPort = "false"
        SlnRelativePath = "MembersOrderEntry\"
        DefaultWebSiteLanguage = "Visual Basic"
    GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
        Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
    GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
        {7D7D3972-0891-4600-BCBC-CA40B0D0FF6E}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
        {7D7D3972-0891-4600-BCBC-CA40B0D0FF6E}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
        {7D7D3972-0891-4600-BCBC-CA40B0D0FF6E}.Debug|Any CPU.Deploy.0 = Debug|Any CPU
    GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
        HideSolutionNode = FALSE

Why are the "SAK" entries added back, and how can I prevent that from occurring again? This project is not under source control.

When I open the solution, I see a message that says, "...mappings could not be found ... temporarily disconnected..." Why is it even expecting to find mappings?


  • The folder that the project exists in is mapped to TFS as a Workspace. You will need to move the files or remove the workspace or Visual Studio will keep adding Source Control back.