I'm trying to get started writing unit tests in a project. I wrote the createTest()
method first and tried it. This test passed and I started writing my other tests.
Now all my tests just say "Test not run". This happens both when I try to run all tests at once and when I run a single test.
All I've found so far is people using NUnit. We're using the default Microsoft testing framework with ReSharper running the tests.
public void CreateTest()
// set up
UserModel user = new UserModel();
user.Address = "Testing Street 1";
user.Email = "[email protected]";
user.Level = 2;
user.Password = "test";
user.RfiDnumber = "00d0wad0aw";
user.Telephonenumber = "0638212327";
user.Username = "testcaseuser";
Assert.IsTrue(user.Create(), "Cannot write user to database");
test_user = user;
public void ReadTest()
// set up
UserModel user = getTestUser();
Assert.AreEqual(user.Email, test_user.Email, "Reading returned an unexpected result");
public void AlterTest()
UserModel user = getTestUser();
user.Email = "[email protected]";
Assert.IsTrue(user.Update(), "Failure during updating");
Assert.AreNotEqual(user.Email, test_user.Email);
public void DestroyTest()
UserModel user = getTestUser();
Assert.IsTrue(user.Destroy(), "Could not destroy user");
The above tests will make ReSharper say "Test not run"
I just tried running the tests on my laptop. They worked without any changes to the code and the tests completed instantly. This leads me to think I'm dealing with a faulty config somewhere.
It seems there was a bad config /somewhere/. I reinstalled the entire sysetm, followed by VS2013 and R#. The tests now run fine.