Currently depending on a library which utilizes the Castle.Core Logging abstraction. I've dug through both that library's docs, and Castle's, and can't seem to find clear explanation of how to capture log output to pipe to our logging framework of choice (NLog, in this instance). I've also dug through a few posts which touch on the topic, but dismissed as not applicable to this situation.
It should be noted that NLog works fine for the rest of the application. No errors seen in the internal logs. Just no output from this third party library.
I see the Castle.Core NLog integration, but that looks to be something to be utilized by the library depending on Castle, not one depending on the library.
So is it possible to capture log output from this library? Or do I need to reach out to the project for support?
If you own the process hosting the library, it is your responsibility to tell Castle.Core.Log which log provider to use.
Configure NLog in your application, then register NLog as the Castle Log Provider as explained in the documentation by calling
container.AddFacility<LoggingFacility>(f => f.LogUsing(LoggerImplementation.NLog)
when creating your container
For your library (white) you should provide the logger factory by either setting it on the CoreAppXmlConfiguration
instance, or supply your own subclass instance when initializing the library's Application