I'm having issues using material design element inside a material design dialog box. I want to display an md-select element that allows a user to choose from a three reasons why they are declining a request, and instead of choosing a pre-established option from within that select, a user may also leave another reason in a md-dialog textarea. However, md-select and md-option elements are being ignored, leaving only the text within the elements while the md-input-container is displaying properly.
var confirm = $mdDialog.prompt()
.title('Reason for Declining Trip')
"<md-dialog aria-label='List dialog'>" +
"<md-dialog-content>" +
" <md-select ng-model='model' placeholder='Select a reason'>" +
" <md-option ng-value='opt'>Scheduling Conflict</md-option>" +
" <md-option ng-value='opt'>Personal Conflict</md-option>" +
" <md-option ng-value='opt'>Hours of Service Concern</md-option>" +
" </md-select>" +
"<br>" +
" <md-input-container class='md-block'>" +
" <label>Other</label>" +
" <textarea rows='1' md-select-on-focus></textarea>" +
" </md-input-container>" +
"</md-dialog-content>" +
.ariaLabel('Lucky day')
.ok('Decline the Trip')
I was able to fix this issue by, instead of saving the prompt in a variable, calling .show()
and directly passing the information. Also, the htmlContent:
key needed to be changed to template:
. The fixed code:
controller: AppCtrl,
template: "<md-dialog aria-label='List dialog'>" +
"<md-dialog-content layout-padding>" +
"<h2>Reason for Declining Trip</h2>" +
" <md-select ng-model='model' placeholder='Select a reason'>" +
" <md-option>Scheduling Conflict</md-option>" +
" <md-option>Personal Conflict</md-option>" +
" <md-option>Hours of Service Concern</md-option>" +
" </md-select>" +
"<br>" +
" <md-input-container class='md-block'>" +
" <label>Other</label>" +
" <textarea rows='2' md-select-on-focus></textarea>" +
" </md-input-container>" +
"</md-dialog-content>" +
parent: angular.element(document.body),
ariaLabel: 'Lucky day',
targetEvent: ev,
ok: 'Decline the Trip',
cancel: 'Cancel'
}).then(function() {
$scope.status = 'You decided to decline this trip.';
}, function() {