I'm looking for help with a question I have. We just started learning simple java in our course after learning a tonne of C++.
One of our bonus missions for people who know code more than what was taught in class.
The mission is as follows: Write a function by the name lettersSeries which gets letters (one letter at a time, assume all letters are lower case) inputted from the user. The function stops accepting letters from the user once the user has inputted 3 consecutive letters. (Only for loops can be used without while loops)
Example: a -> b -> a -> c -> d -> e (Here is stops)
As far I don't know much and I would be happy if someone would help me with this... I tried some options but I have no idea how to trace the alphabet, and especially how to check if letters are consecutive...
public static void letterSeries() {
//We create a scanner for the input
Scanner letters = new Scanner(System.in);
for(Here I need the for loop to continue the letters input) {
//Here I need to know if to use a String or a Char...
String/Char letter = next.<//Char or String>();
if(Here should be the if statement to check if letters are consecutive) {
Here should be
the rest of the code
I need help with
Obviously, you could change the code, and not make my pattern, I would just be happier with an easier way!
Here's how I would tackle the problem, I'm going to let you fill in the blanks with this though so I don't do all of your homework for you.
private void letterSeries() {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
char prevChar;
char currChar;
int amountOfConsecutives = 0;
for(;;) {
// Take in the users input and store it in currChar
// Check if (prev + 1) == currChar
// If true, amountOfConsecutives++
// If false, amountOfConsecutives = 0;
// If amountOfConsecutives == AMOUNT_OF_CONSECUTIVES
// Break out of the loop