I'm exploring ways of interacting with OrientDB graphs. I'm writing java code, so I'm using some kind of java API. Since tinkerpop is described as the "JDBC" of graph databases, I naively assumed there would be an equivalent of executing a query and then processing the result set.
From a graph, I can call something like:
graph.command(new OCommandSQL("SELECT FROM class")).execute();
Then what? The "execute" method returns an Object, not very helpful. By printing out the class name of the result object, it seems to be a "OrientDynaElementIterable", whatever that is.
So I'm not sure I understand how I run a query and then iterate over the results. In general I actually don't understand tinkerpop, as I'm dealing with a load of OrientDB specific classes that are curiously part of the tinkerpop specification, so how does that make my code portable across graph databases?
From a graph command you retrieve an Iterable
of Vertex
for (Vertex v : (Iterable<Vertex>) graph.command
(new OCommandSQL("SELECT FROM class").execute()) {
// Do something with vertex v
The documentation can be retrieved here where you can find the following example
for (Vertex v : (Iterable<Vertex>) graph.command(
new OCommandSQL("SELECT EXPAND( out('bought') ) FROM Customer WHERE name = 'Jay'")).execute()) {
System.out.println("- Bought: " + v);