I am having a problem stubbing the prototype methods of the super class using Sinon. In the example below I am stubbing the call to super class method GetMyDetails as follows. I am sure there is a better way.
actor = sinon.stub(student.__proto__.__proto__,"GetMyDetails");
And also the value of this.Role ends up being undefined.
I have created a simple class in javascript
"use strict";
class Actor {
constructor(userName, role) {
this.UserName = userName;
this.Role = role;
GetMyDetails(query,projection,populate,callback) {
let dal = dalFactory.createDAL(this.Role);
dal.PromiseFindOneWithProjectionAndPopulate(query, projection, populate).then(function (data) {
}).catch(function (error) {
routesLogger.logError(this.Role, "GetMyDetails", error);
return callback(error);
module.exports = Actor;
Now I have a child class that extends Actor.js
"use strict";
class student extends Actor{
constructor(username, role) {
super(username, role);
this.UserName = username;
this.Role = role;
GetMyDetails(callback) {
let query = {'username': this.UserName};
let projection = {};
let populateQuery = {}
super.GetMyDetails(query, projection, populateQuery, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
routesLogger.logError(this.Role, "GetMyDetails", err);
callback(err, null);
callback(null, result);
I have tried to create a test case for this using mocha
describe("Test Suite For Getting My Details",function(){
let request;
let response;
let actor;
beforeEach(function () {
request = {
session: {
user: {
email: 'student@student.com',
role: 'student'
response = httpMocks.createResponse();
afterEach(function () {
it("Should get details of the student",function(done){
let username = "student";
let role = "Student";
let student = new Student(username,role);
actor = sinon.stub(student.__proto__.__proto__,"GetMyDetails");
actor.yields(new Error(), null);
Prototype methods should be stubbed/spied directly on the prototype: