I have three entities: Product, Item(consist of one product and no. of product that is purchased by customer) and Factor as below:
public class Factor
public virtual int FactorId { get; set; }
public virtual System.Guid TrackingCode { set; get; }
public string StatusOfFactor { set; get; }
[Required, DataType(DataType.EmailAddress), StringLength(200)]
public string EmailOfFactor { set; get; }
// price before discount
public virtual double PriceOfFactor { set; get; }
public virtual double DiscountOfFactor { set; get; }
[StringLength(3000,MinimumLength =0)]
public virtual string GeneralDescription { set; get; }
public virtual List<Item> Items { set; get; }
public class Item
public int ItemId { set; get; }
public int Count { set; get; }
// 1 -> 1 relationship between product and Item
public virtual Product Product { set; get; }
// * -> * relationship between Item and Factor
public virtual List<Factor> Factors { set; get; }
public class Product
public virtual int ProductId { set; get; }
public virtual string NameFa { set; get; }
[Range(0, 990000000)]
public virtual double Price { set; get; }
// many->many relationship category and product
public virtual List<Category> Categories { set; get; }
//public virtual List<Factor> Factors { get; set; }
public virtual Item Item { set; get; }
the relationship between entities are as follow: 1 -> 1 in Product-Item and * -> * in Item-Factor
public class ProductConfig:EntityTypeConfiguration<Product>
public ProductConfig() {
// one to one relationship between product and item
HasOptional(p => p.Item).WithRequired(i => i.Product);
public class FactorConfig : EntityTypeConfiguration<Factor>
public FactorConfig( ) {
HasMany(p => p.Items)
.WithMany(p => p.Factors)
.Map(c => {
when i Insert a factor to db, another product also add to table of product!!! here is a code for inserting factor to db:
public ActionResult RegisterFactor( [Bind(Include = "FactorId,TrackingCode,RegistrationDate,PaymentSucceed,PaymentIdOfBank,PaymentDate,StatusOfFactor,EmailOfFactor,TranmissionSucceed,TransmissionDate,PriceOfFactor,DiscountOfFactor,GeneralDescription,IsReturned,ReturnedDate,ReturnedDescription")]Factor factor )
// Session consist of Items and Items consist of Products
List<Item> purchasedItems =
double totalPriceBeforeDiscount = 0.0d;
double totalDiscount = 0.0d;
double totalPriceAfterDiscount = 0.0;
Guid trackingCode = Guid.NewGuid();
factor.Items = new List<Item>();
if ( purchasedItems == null )
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
foreach ( Item item in purchasedItems )
if ( item.Product != null )
// allocate data to factor
factor.PriceOfFactor = totalPriceBeforeDiscount;
factor.DiscountOfFactor = totalDiscount;
factor.PaymentDate = DateTime.Now;
factor.RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now;
factor.TrackingCode = trackingCode;
if ( ModelState.IsValid )
return View("RegisterFactorSucceed", factor);
return View(factor);
It is really awkward (for me). why was happening?
Your 'ProductConfig' is saying whenever Item has 'product' then the same should be added into Product table. Here is the modified code.
ProductConfig class
public class ProductConfig : EntityTypeConfiguration<Product>
public ProductConfig()
// one to one relationship between product and item
HasOptional(p => p.Item).WithOptionalDependent(i => i.Product);
If you change Item.Product to null then it won't add to Product table.
foreach (Item item in purchasedItems)
if (item.Product != null)
item.Product = null;//Setting Product to null