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Spring Boot Multi Module application with @SpringBootConfiguration

I have a maven multi module app with the structure :


Parent project is a maven aggregation of the projects : actual_project and jpaBase (both spring boot applications)

jpaBase is a dependency of actual_project.

Now when i do a mvn package I am getting a unit test error :

Found multiple @SpringBootConfiguration annotated classes

because both jpaBase and actual_project have classes annotated with @SpringBootConfiguration.

How can I make sure that Spring considers the SpringBootConfiguration class of only actual_project and not of jpaBase.



  • From the Spring documentation :

    Application should only ever include one @SpringBootConfiguration and most idiomatic Spring Boot applications will inherit it from @SpringBootApplication.

    You said :

    because both jpaBase and actual_project have classes annotated with @SpringBootConfiguration.

    It should not. This annotation has to be used a single time by application. So, only actual_project and parent_project which are Spring Boot applications should declare this annotation.

    @SpringBootConfiguration replaces the declaration of these annotations:
    @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration and @ComponentScan

    You have the information in the official documentation.

    So, in your jpaBase project, you could replace @SpringBootConfiguration by the declaration of these three annotations :

    @ComponentScan({ "yourPackage" })
    public class JpaConfig {