Reference: rust-cpp
Can emacs/spacemacs support nested mode in major mode? I'm used to vim and new to emacs/spacemacs.
You have access to a wiki listing some solutions to run several major modes at once:
In your case, you will need to run 2 major modes in order to recognize C++ and Rust in the same buffer:
(available by default)rust-mode
I suppose your Rust environment is already configured in your Emacs. The following will add c++-mode
while the Rust major mode is running. In your Emacs configuration file, add the following snippet:
(require 'mmm-mode)
(setq mmm-global-mode 'maybe)
'((rust-cpp ; Name of the mmm class
:submode c++-mode ; Additional major mode, here it is C++
:front "^cpp! {[\n\r]+" ; Start tag for c++-mode
:back "^}$"))) ; Stop tag for c++-mode
(mmm-add-mode-ext-class 'rust-mode nil 'rust-cpp)
In your Rust code, c++-mode
will be activated when the following pattern is present:
cpp! {
// your C++ code...
I'll let you fine-tune the regular expression since I do not know the rules of rust-cpp
when mixing Rust and C++.