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Cannot perform ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice on a detached ArrayBuffer

I am trying to create Blob from ArrayBuffer using .slice(), because I need to copy ArrayBuffer since I know that it will be changed in future (its byteLength will be 0) by code which I don't have control/want to change.

new Blob([data2.payload.slice()], {type: "video/MP2T"})

And I get error

Cannot perform ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice on a detached ArrayBuffer


Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36

on Windows 7 x64.

Is there any other ways to copy ArrayBuffer? This way not does actual copy, other ways does not seems to be pretty straightforward.

ArrayBuffer.transfer() looks good, but theirs polyfill produce error

Source and destination must be ArrayBuffer instances


  • It's my fault, I has been confused by unclear error message, in this situation nothing can be done since at the moment of Blob creating data2.payload is already have byteLength: 0.

    While in usual case with

    var from = new ArrayBuffer(0);
    var to = from.slice();
    var to = from.slice(0);

    to will be ArrayBuffer with byteLength: 0, in this case it's trigger error, because before data2.payload passed to my code it is modified in web worker, in order to avoid copying the fragment between main thread and web worker, data2.payload ownership is transferred to the worker.