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Prim's algorithm on graph with weights of only 1 and 2 on each edge using two lists

Given a weighted, connected, simple undirected graph G with weights of only 1 and 2 on each edge

I want to implement Prim's algorithm this way:

the weights are either 1 or 2, so I can simply store the edges in 2 separate lists, one for edges with weight 1, and the second for edges with weight 2.

To find the edge with lowest weight I simply take one from the first list, unless it is empty, in which case I take an edge from the second list.

Accessing and deleting an element from a list is O(1) so Prim's algorithm will run in O(V+E).


import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.*; 

public class MST12 {    
    private int weight; // weight of the tree
    private Edge[] mstEdges; // use this to store the edges of your Minimum Spanning Tree

    public MST12(EdgeWeightedGraph G, int s)  throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, DisconnectedGraphException, WrongWeightException {
        // check that the starting vertex is in the range 0,1,...,G.V()
        if (s < 0 || s >= G.V()) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        // check that the input graph is connected otherwise there is no (minimum) spanning tree
        if (isConnected(G) == false) {
            throw new DisconnectedGraphException();
        // check that all the weights are 1 or 2
        for (Edge e : G.edges()) {
            if (e.weight() != 1 && e.weight() != 2) {
                throw new WrongWeightException();

        this.weight = 0; // make sure you update this value

        // replace -->
        // your code goes here
        // <-- replace

    // returns the weight of the tree
    public int weight() {
        return this.weight;

    // checks whether a graph is connected
    private static boolean isConnected(EdgeWeightedGraph G) {
        // create a graph of class Graph with the same edges (weights)
        Graph g = new Graph(G.V());
        for (Edge e : G.edges()) {
            int v = e.either();
            g.addEdge(v, e.other(v));
        // compute the connected components of the graph
        CC cc = new CC(g);

        // return true iff there is only one connected component
        return cc.count() == 1;

     * Returns the edges in a minimum spanning tree as
     *    an iterable of edges
    public Iterable<Edge> edges() {
        Queue<Edge> edges = new Queue<Edge>();
        for (int i = 0; i < this.mstEdges.length; i++) {
            Edge e = this.mstEdges[i];
            int v = e.either();
            edges.enqueue(new Edge(v, e.other(v), e.weight()));
        return edges;

     * test the computing of an MST of a graph with weights 1 and 2 only
     * the first argument is the name of the file that contains the graph (graph1.txt, graph2.txt, or graph3.txt)
     * you can define this argument in Run.. --> (x)=Arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        In in = new In(args[0]);
        EdgeWeightedGraph G = new EdgeWeightedGraph(in);

        PrimMST primMST = new PrimMST(G);       
        MST12 mst12 = null;
        try {
            mst12 = new MST12(G,0);
        catch (DisconnectedGraphException e) {
            System.err.println("the input graph is not connected and hence has no (minimum) spanning tree");
        catch (WrongWeightException e) {
            System.err.println("not all weights in the input graph are 1 or 2");            

        System.out.println("Prim's MST weight = " + primMST.weight());
        System.out.println("My MST's weight = " + mst12.weight());

I am stuck at the part of //replace-->//your code goes here//replace<--

two classes that needed:


public class DisconnectedGraphException extends Exception {
    public DisconnectedGraphException() {}



  public class WrongWeightException extends Exception {
      public WrongWeightException() {}

Also I'm allowed to use all this

can someone help me please with this part //replace-->//your code goes here//replace<--

I tried to copy This code to the //<--relpace,//replace--> part and then to feet it, to change it from using a heap to two lists.

Pseudocode of Prim's algorithm

In other words I need code for this:

enter image description here


  •   package;
     import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.*; 
     public class MST_12
    private int weight; // weight of the tree
    private Edge[] mstEdges; // MST edges
    private boolean[] marked;// MST vertices
    private Queue<Edge> queueWeight1; 
    private Queue<Edge> queueWeight2; 
       public MST_12(EdgeWeightedGraph G, int s)  throws      IndexOutOfBoundsException, DisconnectedGraphException, WrongWeightException 
        // check that the starting vertex is in the range 0,1,...,G.V()
        if (s < 0 || s >= G.V()) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        // check that the input graph is connected otherwise there is no (minimum) spanning tree
        if (isConnected(G) == false) {
            throw new DisconnectedGraphException();
        // check that all the weights are 1 or 2
        for (Edge e : G.edges()) {
            if (e.weight() != 1 && e.weight() != 2) {
                throw new WrongWeightException();
        this.weight = 0; // make sure you update this value
        // replace -->
        queueWeight1 = new Queue<Edge>();
        queueWeight2 = new Queue<Edge>();
        mstEdges=new Edge[G.V()];
        marked=new boolean[G.V()];  
         for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++)      // run from each vertex to find
                if (!marked[v]) KPrim(G,v);// minimum spanning forest
      private void KPrim ( EdgeWeightedGraph G, int s)
             while (!queueWeight1.isEmpty()||!queueWeight2.isEmpty()){   
                  Edge e=null;
                  if (!queueWeight1.isEmpty())
                     { e=queueWeight1.dequeue();}
                  else if (!queueWeight2.isEmpty()){e=queueWeight2.dequeue();}
                  int v=e.either(), w=e.other(v);
                  assert marked [v]||marked [w];
                  if(marked[v]&&marked[w]) continue;
                  if(!marked[v]) visit(G,v);// v becomes part of tree
                  if(!marked[w]) visit(G,w);// w becomes part of a tree
    //add all edges e incident to v onto queue if the other endpoint has not yet been scanned
        private void visit (EdgeWeightedGraph G, int v)
        marked[v]=true;// add v to T
        for (Edge e : G.adj(v))// for each edge e=v-w, add to queueWeight if w not already in T  
           if(!marked[e.other(v)])  {       
                if (e.weight()==1.0) {queueWeight1.enqueue(e);mstEdges[v]=e;}//add the smallest edge weight to the mst weight
                else {queueWeight2.enqueue(e);mstEdges[v]=e;}}}
        // <-- replace
    // returns the weight of the tree
    public int weight() {
        return this.weight;
    // checks whether a graph is connected
    private static boolean isConnected(EdgeWeightedGraph G) {
        // create a graph of class Graph with the same edges (weights)
        Graph g = new Graph(G.V());
        for (Edge e : G.edges()) {
            int v = e.either();
            g.addEdge(v, e.other(v));
        // compute the connected components of the graph
        CC cc = new CC(g);
        // return true iff there is only one connected component
        return cc.count() == 1;
     * Returns the edges in a minimum spanning tree as
     *    an iterable of edges
    public Iterable<Edge> edges() {
        Queue<Edge> edges = new Queue<Edge>();
        for (int i = 0; i < this.mstEdges.length; i++) {
            Edge e = this.mstEdges[i];
            int v = e.either();
            edges.enqueue(new Edge(v, e.other(v), e.weight()));
        return edges;
     * test the computing of an MST of a graph with weights 1 and 2 only
     * the first argument is the name of the file that contains the graph (graph1.txt, graph2.txt, or graph3.txt)
     * you can define this argument in Run.. --> (x)=Arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        In in = new In(args[0]);
        EdgeWeightedGraph G = new EdgeWeightedGraph(in);
        PrimMST primMST = new PrimMST(G);       
        MST_12 mst12 = null;
        try {
            mst12 = new MST_12(G,0);
        catch (DisconnectedGraphException e) {
            System.err.println("the input graph is not connected and hence has no (minimum) spanning tree");
        catch (WrongWeightException e) {
            System.err.println("not all weights in the input graph are 1 or 2");            
        System.out.println("Prim's MST weight = " + primMST.weight());
        System.out.println("My MST's weight = " + mst12.weight());