when I try to export a ADF-File i get the following output:
09 17:41:56.960 28464-28498/? I/tango: permission_handler.cc:62 App com.bla.editsys has ADF permissions.
12-09 17:41:56.964 28464-28498/? E/tango: file_io.cc:897 Failed to open ADF file: /data/data/com.google.tango/files/Tango/ADFs/007c4016-077d-446f-99ff-fc9ee54072de
12-09 17:41:56.964 28464-28498/? E/tango: file_io.cc:923 Failed to read ADF header.
12-09 17:41:56.964 28464-28498/? E/tango: context_config_utils.cc:269 Couldn't read ADF Info. adf_path = /data/data/com.google.tango/files/Tango/ADFs/007c4016-077d-446f-99ff-fc9ee54072de
12-09 17:41:56.965 28464-28479/? I/tango_client_api: Tango Service: connect, internal status -2
12-09 17:41:56.966 4171-8416/com.bla.editsys E/tango_client_api: TangoErrorType TangoService_connect(void*, TangoConfig): Internal Error: Connect failed internally: -2
12-09 17:41:56.966 4171-8416/com.bla.editsys E/PlaneFittingActivity: Tango invalid exception! Try again!
at com.google.atap.tangoservice.Tango.throwTangoExceptionIfNeeded(Tango.java:827)
at com.google.atap.tangoservice.Tango.connect(Tango.java:435)
at com.bla.editsys.PlaneFittingActivity$1.run(PlaneFittingActivity.java:220)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:811)
This happens if I call
mTango.exportAreaDescriptionFile(uuid, getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath());
and also this way:
Intent exportIntent = new Intent();
exportIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_KEY_SOURCEUUID, uuid);
this.startActivityForResult(exportIntent, Tango.TANGO_INTENT_ACTIVITYCODE);
Code I got from here: https://developers.google.com/tango/apis/java/java-user-permissions
I work on zeniah, but I cannot check on tablet because I don't know how to figure out.
There was a bug in Zaniah release that causes this problem, this is fixed in A release (the current release).
Under the hood, mTango.exportAreaDescriptionFile
is calling the intent exactly as you mentioned above, so both methods should be working in A release now.