Recently, I've been working on a project with Access database, but since the deployment would be on a XP computer, I tried changing the .NET Framework from 4.5.1
to 4
Since then the connection fails to open, and continues to fail even tough I changed it back to 4.5.1.
con.ConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source = " + Localexe + @"/Database.accdb";
catch (Exception x)
It says that:
provider 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' could not be found on the local machine
I tried opening a new project and seeing if there were any References that got lost on the process but that didn't seem to work.
What is your OS and its bit? what is your access bit? x86 or x64? anyway pls try : DefaultAppPool and Classic .NET AppPool (find these path) - right click - 32bit app enable(true)...after this , right click and restart. I guess it works.