i want to repeat out all items from a single category (selected via querystring) which currently works.
However, each item is currently shown (repeated) 3 times, all 3 with the same text just a different image, because each item has 3 different images associated with it.
On this page, i only want to display one of the 3 images associated with the item.
Currently i just use a single repeater to SELECT
everything. My current SELECT Command
for the repeater is:
Select Command:"SELECT * FROM [Maskiner]
INNER JOIN images ON images.FK_maskine_id = maskiner.maskine_id
INNER JOIN Maskine_kategori ON Maskiner.Maskine_Kategorinavn = Maskine_kategori.Maskine_kategori_id WHERE ([Maskine_kategori_id] = @Maskine_kategori_id)"
i think i have to nest a repeater around where i Eval my image however im not sure what its supposed to SELECT
i have a Item Detail page aswell where i do want all 3 images associated with the item shown, which i did get to work with a nested repeater that selects images with the sameFK_maskine_id
as the current querystring id because the page is called itemdetail.aspx?id=9
etc. So no problem there.
However on the itemCategory.aspx
(this page) i just want to display all items with the same Category_id
as is in the Current Querystring
which works fine at the moment, the problem is i currently repeats out the same item 3 times because each item has 3 images associated with it.
<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater3" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
<img class="group list-group-image" src='GalleriImage/<%# Eval("Image_Url") %>' />
<div class="caption">
<h4><%#Eval("Maskine_Navn") %></span></h4>
<%# CutText(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Maskine_Beskrivelse"), 123)%>...
<p class="lead text-center">
<%#Eval("Maskine_pris") %> kr.
<a href='BrugtProdukt.aspx?id=<%#Eval("Maskine_id") %>
<p class="MereInfKnap text-center ">More info</p>
<asp:SqlDataSource runat="server" ID="SqlDataSource1" ConnectionString='<%$ ConnectionStrings:DatabaseConnectionString1 %>'
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Maskiner] INNER JOIN Images ON Images.FK_maskine_id = maskiner.maskine_id INNER JOIN Maskine_kategori ON Maskiner.Maskine_Kategorinavn = Maskine_kategori.Maskine_kategori_id WHERE ([Maskine_kategori_id] = @Maskine_kategori_id)">
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Maskine_kategori_id" QueryStringField="ID"
Type="Int32" />
Ok so so i figured it out today, i nested a repeater
around my image Eval
, and had it select TOP 1 *
from images
with the same fk_image_id
as the record the other repeater (item_id
) selected. so my Selectcommand
for the nested repeater that handles the images is:
SelectCommand='<%# "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [billeder] INNER JOIN maskiner ON maskiner.maskine_id = billeder.FK_maskine_id WHERE FK_maskine_id =" + Eval("maskine_id") %>'