I'm trying to remove specific punctuation from string
I need to keep in string only ".
", ",
", "!
", "+
", "*
", "-
" but remove everything, including apostrophe "'" for example
what's up!
must be:
whats up!
So this way, it removes everything
string res = Regex.Replace(filtr2, @"[^\w\s]", "");
Hope that you are looking for something like this :
string rexFormat=@"[^0-9a-zA-Z\.,!+\-* \w ]";
string myInPutString ="what'sup ! my dear friend?";
string replacedString = Regex.Replace(myInPutString, rexFormat, string.Empty);
// will give you whatsup ! my dear friend
The special characters '
and ?
were removed