I've seen Dapper WHERE IN statement with ODBC
But I'm not sure Dapper supports WHERE IN ("String1", "String2") syntax for Postgres. Is this supported? I tried digging through the code but I really don't have the time at the moment. So far I've only seen examples of integers.
_connection.QueryAsync<Lookup>("select * from lookup where lower(discriminator) in @types", new { types = new[] {"Prefix", "Suffix"} });
Results in: PostgresException {"42601: syntax error at or near \"$1\""}
{select * from lookup where lower(discriminator) in $1}
If I'm not wrong IN
operator in Postgres won't support arrays as parameters. Instead of IN
try ANY
operator like below:
var query = "SELECT * FROM lookup WHERE LOWER(discriminator) = ANY(@types)";
_connection.QueryAsync<Lookup>(query, new { types = new[] {"Prefix", "Suffix"} });