I've done some research on how to get a div/graphic to follow the cursor - Resource Here - I am trying to create this effect for multiple divs where each div has it's own random speed where some elements are lagging behind more than others. I have created a JS Fiddle to show the current progress, you can see it kind of works to some extend. But I am hoping to achieve a more dramatic effect than what I currently have.
<div class="container">
<div class="following blue"></div>
<div class="following red"></div>
<div class="following yellow"></div>
<div class="following orange"></div>
<div class="following green"></div>
<div class="following purple"></div>
<div class="following pink"></div>
Code JS
var mouseX = 0,
mouseY = 0,
limitX = 400 - 15,
limitY = 550 - 15;
$(window).mousemove(function(e) {
// with the math subtractnig the boundary
mouseX = Math.min(e.pageX, limitX);
mouseY = Math.min(e.pageY, limitY);
// cache the selector
var followers = $(".following");
var x_pixels = 0,
y_pixels = 0;
var loop = setInterval(function() {
// Loop through each follower to move and have random speeds
followers.each(function() {
// Set a max Number to allow for the randomIntFromInterval
// function to work
var max = followers.length * 15;
var min = followers.length;
x_pixels += (mouseX - x_pixels) / randomIntFromInterval(min, max);
y_pixels += (mouseY - y_pixels) / randomIntFromInterval(min, max);
left: x_pixels,
top: y_pixels
}, 40);
function randomIntFromInterval(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
Any advice on how to do this is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Let's start with why it isn't too random. First off these calculations are run for each dot every 40ms. This has interesting consequences.
x_pixels += (mouseX - x_pixels) / randomIntFromInterval(min, max);
y_pixels += (mouseY - y_pixels) / randomIntFromInterval(min, max);
Say the blue dot gets a set of random numbers {1, 4, 7, 8, 4, 3, 10, 6, 6} and the red dot gets a set of random numbers {8, 7, 5, 4, 5, 7, 9, 4, 3}. The problem is the average of these is going to be the same (5.44 and 5.77 respectively). Because the movements are happening so fast they have a little jitter but their bigger movements tend to be the same.
The second problem is that you are using the same x_pixels and y_pixels for each dot. You declare this on top:
var x_pixels = 0,
y_pixels = 0;
But then you don't ever go get the current value back from the dot. You recycle them by += but each dot shares the same position.
I have two solutions for you as this problem is fairly broad and could be interpreted multiple ways. Both of these solutions address the problems listed above by assigning a friction coefficient that stays with the dot. The first example keeps the random friction for the lifetime of the dot, the second changes the friction coefficient every so often.
jsfiddle.net/e3495jmj/1 - First solution
jsfiddle.net/e3495jmj/2 - Second solution