I am working on a rails-api
project where I am using active model serialiazer
. But unfortunately its not working as expected. This is my V1::HuntsController
class V1::HuntsController < V1::MainController
def index
render json: Hunt.all
My hunts serializer looks like this
class HuntSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
belongs_to :user
attributes :id,:title,:picture_url,:clue
def picture_url
But in my response
i am getting all the attributes from hunt
. I tried to explicitly define serializer to avoid versioning issues as well.
render json: {data: Hunt.all } ,each_serializer: HuntSerializer
But nothing seems to work. In the logs I can see,
[active_model_serializers] Rendered V1::HuntSerializer with Hash (32.36ms)
Whats happening here. Any help would be appreciated.
render json: Hunt.all, each_serializer: HuntSerializer
(no need for data root)
then to verify that the serializer gets hit, put a byebug
in the body of the picture_url function. if the byebug
gets hit, you are indeed using your serializer. (must have gem byebug included in gemfile)