i just use Telerik Transition plugin into my phonegap project.I have 2 html page.when click to second page,the slide transition working,but the problem is, the slide transition will redirect to same page and after few second change to second page.How can i implement so that when i click button in first page it will fast redirect to second page html.i want redirect to signup.html fast when click button from first page.Thank you
$(document).ready(function() {
"direction":"left", //left is defaults
"slowdownfactor" : 3
<a id="signup" href="javascript:void(0)" style="text-decoration: none">
<h6 align="center" style="margin-top:30px">Register Now</h6>
Take a look at the sample app provided with the plugin. In the code you can see an example of proper usage:
<a onclick="slideBaby()">eigth page (livesynced, slide)!</a>
function slideBaby() {
var options = {
"direction" : "right",
"href" : "eigth.html"
function (msg) {alert("SUCCESS: " + JSON.stringify(msg))},
function (msg) {alert("ERROR: " + JSON.stringify(msg))}