I am using Neba library along with Apache sling.
Now my spring controller working fine with this code.
public class CategoryController {
@RequestMapping(value = "/category/list", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String sayHello() {
return "Hello World!";
after hitting url http://localhost:8080/bin/mvc.do/category/list
I am getting response "Hello World!"
But when I am trying to return List String like this -
public class CategoryController {
@RequestMapping(value = "/category/list", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<String> sayHello() {
return new Arrays.asList(new String[]{"A","B","C"});
I am getting following exception -
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No converter found for return value of type: class java.util.Arrays$ArrayList
I do have jackson databind in my library
I also checked bundle jar it has these library in lib. Still not sure why it doesn't work. Any help is highly appriciated.
To enable Spring's support for JSON conversion from Controller responses, deploy the jackson-databind, jackson-core, jackson-annotations bundles. Spring then picks up the these bundles (this may require a refresh/restart of Sling) and automatically adds new message converters which use jackson to convert the Objects returned by a @Controller's method to JSON, for example:
public class CategoryController {
@RequestMapping(value = "/category/list", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<String> sayHello() {
return Arrays.asList("A","B","C");
Note: It is really these jackson bundles that must be deployed. The availability of the jackson packages alone would not be enough, as the Spring bundles shipped with NEBA have optional require-bundle (not import-package) dependencies to jackson (see neba-155 for why that is).
The NEBA sample project now includes the jackson bundles, so you can use it as a starting point to try automatic JSON conversion from controller responses.
Regarding Tim's comment above, one does not have to convert manually. Spring MVC can do so automatically based on content-negotiation via the request's "Accept" header and the available Spring Message Converters, see $ 28.10.2 HTTP Message Conversion in the Spring Docs.
Hope that helps!