I'm currently learning about functions in C++ and am currently working on a homework assignment with functions being the main thing.
Currently, I'm trying to make a grade calculator with every operation of the process being split into a function of its own.
Here's the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
void getHWGrades(int homeworks[], int size)
cout << "\nEnter the grades, out of 100 points, for the 9 homeworks you completed." << endl;
cout << "Note that Homework 10 is given to you for free, but is the same grade \nas homework 9.\n" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
cout << "Homework " << i + 1 << ": ";
cin >> homeworks[i];
while (homeworks[i] > 100 || homeworks[i] < 0)
cout << "Invalid grade, input homework grade again: ";
cin >> homeworks[i];
homeworks[9] = homeworks[8];
cout << "Homework 10: " << homeworks[9];
double quizAverage()
double quizPts;
cout << "Input your in class quiz average: ";
cin >> quizPts;
return quizPts;
double labAverage()
double labPts;
cout << "Input your lab average: ";
cin >> labPts;
return labPts;
double teamProject()
double teamPts;
cout << "Input your team project grade: ";
cin >> teamPts;
return teamPts;
int exam1()
int exam1Pts;
cout << "Input your exam1 grade: ";
cin >> exam1Pts;
return exam1Pts;
int exam2()
int exam2Pts;
cout << "Input your exam2 grade: ";
cin >> exam2Pts;
return exam2Pts;
double hwAverage(int homeworks[], int size)
double total = 0;
double homeworkAverage = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
total = total + homeworks[i];
homeworkAverage = (total*1.0) / 10;
return homeworkAverage;
double currentPoints(double& quizPts, double& labPts, double& teamPts, double& homeworkAverage, int& exam1Pts, int& exam2Pts)
double totalPts = ((quizPts / 100.0) * 10) + ((labPts / 100.0) * 10) + ((teamPts / 100.0) * 15) + ((homeworkAverage / 100.0) * 20) + ((exam1Pts / 100.0) * 10) + ((exam2Pts / 100.0) * 15);
cout << "\nYour current points (out of the 80 total available), stand at: " << totalPts;
return totalPts;
double currentAverage(double& totalPts)
double availableAverage = totalPts*(100.0 / 80);
cout << "\nYour current average is: " << availableAverage;
return availableAverage;
int main()
// keep the console from closing in visual studio
char charer;
double totalPts;
double quizPts, labPts, teamPts, homeworkAverage;
int exam1Pts, exam2Pts;
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 10;
int hwArray[ARRAY_SIZE];
getHWGrades(hwArray, ARRAY_SIZE);
currentPoints(quizPts, labPts, teamPts, homeworkAverage, exam1Pts, exam2Pts);
cin >> charer;
My issue, which I believe lies in the functions currentPoints
and currentAverage
, is that when I run this totalPts
outputs as -5.09078e+61
and as a follow up result with the currentAverage
function, availableAverage
outputs as -1.157e+62
I'm sure that the issue has to do with how I'm passing the values from function to function (which I doubt I'm doing correctly).
How would I go about fixing this issue?
Thank you in advance.
You need to store the return value from currentPoints() function, like this.
totalPts = currentPoints(quizPts, labPts, teamPts, homeworkAverage, exam1Pts, exam2Pts); currentAverage(totalPts);
Reason is, you declared "totalPts" as local variable in currentPoints().
"Local variables has function scope only, it is undefined to main function".
Do this for all other functions(quizAverage,labAverage,teamProject,exam1,exam2, hwAverage,currentAverage)
I hope, this will solve the issue !!!