I am trying to apply the modular JS pattern in my code, but am having a hard time implementing promises. I am used to to promises in 1 line using "then", but now I have separate functions and each one is calling the server and returning a value to the other function, I don't know how I can do this. I am confused how I can use done & resolve at the same time.
Here's my code below:
//I want to call a function, makeLinksObject(), which will call the another function that calls the server
var formattedObject = makeLinksObject();
formattedObject.done(function (renderedObject) {
function makeLinksObject() {
//here I want to call another function that will call the server
var dfd = getLastTimeUpdated();
var linksArray = [];
var linksObject = {};
//get site updated date
dfd.done(function (dateUpdated) {
$.each(links, function (index, value) {
var linkObject = {};
obj.Title = value.Title.toLowerCase();
linksObject = {
lblcallerId: "some value here"
links: linksArray
}); // end done
return dfd.resolve(linksObject);
function getLastTimeUpdated() {
var modificationUrl = "serverurl"
dfd = $.ajax({
url: modificationUrl,
method: "GET",
headers: {
"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose"
return dfd.promise();
How do I return the value from server from function 3, to be used in function 2, and the result of function 2, to be used in function 1, then I can draw my html in function 1.
Currently, I am having an error in the second function and it's not recognizing my deferred object.
I thought about writing code that will have nested then, then, but I want to use modular code to make my code organized. Any help would be appreciated.
returns a jQuery promise object, $.Deferred()
is not necessary and can be removed; substitute .then()
for .done()
where you want to return a value other than the original promise value returned from $.ajax()
, use return
within function calls and .then()
. Note, you could also include error handling to the pattern by chaining .fail()
to then last .then()
in each chain
var formattedObject = makeLinksObject();
.done(function(renderedObject) {
function makeLinksObject() {
var dfd = getLastTimeUpdated();
var linksArray = [];
var linksObject = {};
return dfd.then(function(dateUpdated) {
$.each(links, function(index, value) {
var linkObject = {};
obj.Title = value.Title.toLowerCase();
linksObject = {
lblcallerId: "some value here",
links: linksArray
.then(function() {
return linksObject
function getLastTimeUpdated() {
var modificationUrl = "serverurl"
return $.ajax({
url: modificationUrl,
method: "GET",
headers: {
"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose"
.then(function(data) {
return data.d.LastItemModified;