I am trying to make a reusable element in Polymer 1.0.
I am running into an issue with canonical paths when trying to load a behavior from within a custom element package.
The behavior is at the same level in my file structure as my custom element.
My current import appears as follows:
<link rel="import" href="extras-behavior.html">
However, I receive this warning:
Behavior ExtrasBehavior not found when mixing properties into mcd-price-calories!
I believe this is due to polyserve and how it converts imports into canonical paths.
Is it possible to do this currently without making the behavior its own bower package?
I discovered that this actually was not a syntax issue but merely a warning given by Polymer. In order to make sure this warning is not given you must place a comment about your behavior declaration like so:
/** @polymerBehavior ConfigBehavior */
ConfigBehavior = {
Now Polymer's engine will "know" about your behavior and cease to throw this warning.