I am trying to customize and use the ALU source file of Sodor processor/Rocket core in a different project using chisel3. Running sbt test gives me the following error.
[info] - should carry out proper arithmatic and logical operations (with verilator) *** FAILED ***
[info] chisel3.core.Binding$BindingException: 'this' (chisel3.core.UInt@7): Missing IO() wrapper
[info] at chisel3.core.Binding$.checkSynthesizable(Binding.scala:185)
[info] at chisel3.core.Bits.do_apply(Bits.scala:97)
[info] at chisel3.core.Bits.do_apply(Bits.scala:109)
[info] at RiscvIoT.ALU$.isSub(alu.scala:44)
[info] at RiscvIoT.ALU.<init>(alu.scala:68)
[info] at RiscvIoT.ALUTester$$anonfun$2$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(aluTest.scala:41)
[info] at RiscvIoT.ALUTester$$anonfun$2$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(aluTest.scala:41)
[info] at chisel3.core.Module$.do_apply(Module.scala:29)
[info] at chisel3.Driver$$anonfun$elaborate$1.apply(Driver.scala:191)
[info] at chisel3.Driver$$anonfun$elaborate$1.apply(Driver.scala:191)
Following the guide on chisel 3 wiki on testing and debugging I believe that the initial error is at the line 44 (isSub function definition). But I can't figure out the problem and nothing I did solves the problem. I am posting my complete source file below for convenience.
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import Common._
object ALU
val SZ_ALU_FN = 4
val ALU_X = Bits(0)
val ALU_ADD = Bits(0)
val ALU_SLL = Bits(1)
val ALU_XOR = Bits(4)
val ALU_OR = Bits(6)
val ALU_AND = Bits(7)
val ALU_SRL = Bits(5)
val ALU_SUB = Bits(10)
val ALU_SRA = Bits(11)
val ALU_SLT = Bits(12)
val ALU_SLTU = Bits(14)
val ALU_COPY1= Bits(8)
def isMulFN(fn: Bits, cmp: Bits) = fn(1,0) === cmp(1,0)
def isSub(cmd: Bits) = cmd(3)
def isSLTU(cmd: Bits) = cmd(0)
import ALU._
class ALUIO extends Bundle {
val xprlen = 32
val fn = Bits(INPUT, SZ_ALU_FN)
val in2 = UInt(INPUT, xprlen)
val in1 = UInt(INPUT, xprlen)
val out = UInt(OUTPUT, xprlen)
val adder_out = UInt(OUTPUT, xprlen)
class ALU extends Module
val io = new ALUIO
val xprlen = 32
val msb = xprlen-1
val sum = io.in1 + Mux(isSub(io.fn), -io.in2, io.in2)
val less = Mux(io.in1(msb) === io.in2(msb), sum(msb),
Mux(isSLTU(io.fn), io.in2(msb), io.in1(msb)))
val shamt = io.in2(4,0).toUInt
val shin_r = io.in1(31,0)
val shin = Mux(io.fn === ALU_SRL || io.fn === ALU_SRA, shin_r, Reverse(shin_r))
val shout_r = (Cat(isSub(io.fn) & shin(msb), shin).toSInt >> shamt)(msb,0)
val shout_l = Reverse(shout_r)
val bitwise_logic =
Mux(io.fn === ALU_AND, io.in1 & io.in2,
Mux(io.fn === ALU_OR, io.in1 | io.in2,
Mux(io.fn === ALU_XOR, io.in1 ^ io.in2,
io.in1))) // ALU_COPY1
// val out64 =
val out_xpr_length =
Mux(io.fn === ALU_ADD || io.fn === ALU_SUB, sum,
Mux(io.fn === ALU_SLT || io.fn === ALU_SLTU, less,
Mux(io.fn === ALU_SRL || io.fn === ALU_SRA, shout_r,
Mux(io.fn === ALU_SLL, shout_l,
io.out := out_xpr_length(31,0).toUInt
io.adder_out := sum
The exception thrown: chisel3.core.Binding$BindingException: 'this' (chisel3.core.UInt@7): Missing IO() wrapper
is due to the fact that in chisel3, io must be wrapped in IO(...)
It is perhaps a little hidden in the documentation (see https://github.com/ucb-bar/chisel3/wiki/Chisel3-vs-Chisel2#deprecated-usage)
To fix, change the io declaration in ALU to:
val io = IO(new ALUIO)
You should also change the ALUIO to:
class ALUIO extends Bundle {
val xprlen = 32
val fn = Input(Bits(SZ_ALU_FN.W))
val in2 = Input(UInt(xprlen.W))
val in1 = Input(UInt(xprlen.W))
val out = Output(UInt(xprlen.W))
val adder_out = Output(UInt(xprlen.W))
Although I believe the old way is deprecated rather than an error.