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javascript ignore-if-null operator?

In javascript I have a lot of code like this.

if (ctrl && ctrl.main && ctrl.main.user) {

which is annoyingly long. In other, languages you can do simply


Is there any way to do that in javascript?

I tried,

function safeGet(a,b) { return a ? a[b] : null; }


SetTheme(safeGet(safeGet(safeGet(ctrl, 'main'), 'user'), 'theme'));

But that's not very readable.


  • The correct short cut could be

    if (((ctrl || {}).main || {}).user) { // ...

    Or you could use an array as path, or a dot separated string as path and check aginst existence and return the value.

    function getValue(object, path) {
        return path.split('.').reduce(function (o, k) {
            return (o || {})[k];
        }, object);
    var ctrl = { main: { user: { theme: 42 } } };
    console.log(getValue(ctrl, "main.user.theme"));