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How to send correlation id, into message, from sender and retrieval from receive into message header with Rabbit MQ by java

I have used Rabbit MQ to send and receive a JSON message.
I have implemented an application using the RabbitTemplate instance with convertAndSend method to send a message to the exchange as below: enter image description here

rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(exchangeNameOut, message.getString(PERSISTENCE_MESSAGE_ROUTING_KEY),
                    message.getString(PERSISTENCE_MESSAGE_BODY), new CorrelationData(""+analyticRuntime.getId()));

While to retrieval a message, side receiver, I have implemented the followed method:

        @RabbitListener(queues = "${}",containerFactory = "rabbitListenerContainerFactory")
     public void processMailMessage(Message message) {"ENTER [processMailMessage]  ");

        Mail mail;

            JSONObject messageBody = new JSONObject(new String(message.getBody()));

            String asset = "" + messageBody.get(Constants.PERSISTENCE_MESSAGE_ASSET_ID_KEY);

            String body = "" + messageBody.get(Constants.PERSISTENCE_MESSAGE_EVENT_KEY);

            String alarms = "";
  "[processMailMessage] message.getMessageProperties().getCorrelationId() : " + message.getMessageProperties().getCorrelationId()";

The question is:

  • Why the message.getMessageProperties().getCorrelationId() is NULL ? Into the send method I have inserted the correlation.
  • Correlation Id is the same thing of Correlation Data that I have inserted into convertAndSend method ?
  • How can I retrieval the correlation Id into receiver method ?



  • No; correlation data is for correlating publisher confirms for a send; it has nothing to do with the correlation Id property.

    Use a MessagePostProcessor:

    rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(exchangeNameOut, message.getString(PERSISTENCE_MESSAGE_ROUTING_KEY),
        m -> {
            return m;

    If you are not using Java8, use new MessagePostProcessor() { ... }