Is there a way to reuse a rule in snakemake changing only the params
For instance:
rule job1:
reference = "path/to/ref1"
rule job2:
input: rules.job1.output
reference = "path/to/ref2"
and job2
rules are doing the same stuff, but I need to call them successively and the reference
parameter has to be modified. It generates lot's of code for a very similar task.
I tried to make a sub-workflow for this step, and the main Snakefile is more readable. However, the sub-workflow code still repeated.
Any idea or suggestion? Did I miss something?
To be more specific, job2 has to be executed after job1, using the output of the latter.
If the rule is the same, you could just use wildcards in the naming of the output files. This way, the same rule will be executed twice:
references = ["ref1", "ref2"]
rule all:
input: expand("my_output_{ref}", ref=references)
rule job:
input: "my_input"
output: "my_output_{ref}"
params: ref = "path/to/{ref}"
shell: "... {params.ref} {output}"
Hope this helps, if not could you maybe make your question more specific?
Okay, there's the possibility of defining custom inputs for a rule, by using a python function. Maybe you could into this direction. See this working example:
references = ["ref1", "ref2"]
rule all:
input: expand("my_output_{ref}", ref=references)
def rule_input(wildcards):
if (wildcards.ref == "ref1"):
input = "my_first_input"
elif (wildcards.ref == "ref2"):
input = "my_output_ref1"
rule job:
input: rule_input
output: "my_output_{ref}"
params: ref = "path/to/{ref}"
shell: "echo input: {input} ; echo output: {output} ; touch {output}"