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Writing a C++ interface to a dynamically allocated C struct

Introduction: I am writing a C++11 application which makes extensive use of a legacy C code base. A very common pattern in the legacy code is the existence of some struct LegacyStruct which is constructed and destroyed by methods such as

build_struct(LegacyStruct *L, int arg1, int arg2)
free_struct(LegacyStruct *L)

which are basically the constructor/destructor. The model of ownership in the legacy codebase is very unique_ptr-esque, so I aim to wrap it in a memory safe, RAII-minded wrapper class as follows:

class Wrapper {
    Wrapper::Wraper() : handle() {}
    Wrapper::Wrapper(int same_arg1, int same_arg2);
    Wrapper::Wrapper(const Wrapper &W) = delete;
    Wrapper::Wrapper(Wrapper &&W) : handle(std::move(W.handle)) {}
    //copy operator= and move operator= analogously
    std::unique_ptr<LegacyStruct, custom_deleter> handle;

where custom_deleter calls free_struct along the lines of this question, or just a partial specialization of std::default_delete for LegacyStruct. Anyway so far so good, I think this is a common design pattern and it suits my needs well.

My question: I am having trouble adapting this pattern to the case where I am dealing with a linked list type structure of the form

typedef struct LegacyNode {
    int stack_allocated_data;
    OtherStruct *heap_allocated_data;
    LegacyNode *next;
} LegacyNode;

Again, the ownership model within the legacy code base is unique_ptr-esque: there is sole ownership of the linked list, i.e., of responsibility for freeing it appropriately. Similarly, there is a corresponding free_node(LegacyNode *N) function which frees heap_allocated_data, if necessary, and then frees the node itself.

The construction situation is quite different though. There will be a function which looks like

build_list(LegacyNode **L, int *count_p, int other_args){
    LegacyNode *newnode;

    //code allocating newnode and populating its fields

    //...and then:
    newcut->next = *L;
    *L = newcut;

And a call to build_list looks like

int list_count = 0;
LegacyNode *L = (LegacyNode *) NULL;

build_list(&L, &list_count, 99);

Edit/clarification: build_list is a static, non-exported function in the codebase, which I access by calling some other function which calls build_list possibly several times.

Thus, I would like to write a ListWrap class which stores a head node and a list length, and has copy/move operators identical to Wrapper above, i.e., there is sole ownership over the list itself, it can be moved but not copied, etc.

However, my understanding is that smart pointers are not an option in this case. With head_node as some smart pointer to a LegacyNode, I would have to pass &head_node.get() to build_list, which would corrupt the smart pointer invariants/ownership?

As it stands, my wrapper class contains a raw pointer to a head node, a method which returns the address of the head node for use by build_list, a destructor which iterates through the list calling free_node, and predicate-based erase-type method which only deletes certain elements.

Of course, modifying and clearing a linked list is CS-101 level stuff, but I still managed to waste a couple hours writing it and having memory leaks all over the place! Also, there are several other linked list structures within the legacy codebase with nearly identical usage, so I would love to be able to turn this into a class template which can be specialized with a type and a deleter, and inherited from to provide type-specific methods.



  • However, my understanding is that smart pointers are not an option in this case. With head_node as some smart pointer to a LegacyNode, I would have to pass &head_node.get() to build_list, which would corrupt the smart pointer invariants/ownership?

    Yes, that is correct, as build_list would overwrite the object at that memory location, corrupting that memory for the smart pointer. But there is another way, you can construct a std::unique_ptr with an existing pointer!

    So, instead of ListWrap allocating its own objects, you have build_list allocate the objects, and then just take the pointers and wrap them up with RAII.

    class ListWrap {
        ListWrap(LegacyNode* head, int count);
        std::unique_ptr<LegacyNode, &free_node> handle;
        int count;
    ListWrap::ListWrap(LegacyNode* head, int count) : handle{ head }, count{ count } {}