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Get relative Path of a file C#

I currently writing a project in visual studio in c#. the project full path is:


I have a file that I need to load during the execution. lets say the file path is


I don't want to write the full path hard coded, and want to get the path in a dynamic way.

I use the following line:

    var path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

The problem that every method that I found and the above code line gets me the following path:


And what I need is


so I could concatenate


to the answer.

of course I could do:

path.Substring(0, path.IndexOf("bin\\Debug"));

But it is not that elegant.


  • You can use Directory.GetParent and its Parent member

    string path = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.FullName;

    Will go two levels up the path tree and return "C:\TFS\MySolution\Project1".