I have a Component which initial state is set to be equal to a Store state. Also the Component is subsribed to any change that occurs in the Store.
// Inital component's state is set to be equal to a Store state
constructor(props) {
this.state = EntityStore.getState();
this.entitiesOnChange = this.entitiesOnChange.bind(this);
// Subscribe to any Store's change
componentDidMount() {
// Update the state with the new one
entitiesOnChange(nextState) {
My goal is to subscribe the Component to a specific property of the Store.
I tried to make a check in entitiesOnChange
, but I find out that this.state
is already up to date with the Store's state (nextState
). Also in the following code example (what I tried) this.setState(nextState)
isn't called, because the both states are equal, therefore rerendering doesn't occur:
// Update the state with the new one only if a specefic `propery` is changed
entitiesOnChange(nextState) {
// Here is the problem. `this.state` is already up to date.
if (this.state.property !== nextState.property) {
So how can I subscribe my Component to a specific Store's property?
Alright! I deeply investigated the problem and finaly I've find out what's happening. The problem was caused by a wrong way of setting the data in the store. It was mutated (which is wrong). The correct (flux) way is creating a new object.
I've created a JSFiddle to illustrate the whole problem, but here are the highlights of the wrong mutation in the Store:
class Store {
constructor() {
this.data = {
items: [],
isLoading: false
set(items) {
this.data.isLoading = true;
// Simulate API call
setTimeout(() => {
this.data.items = items;
this.data.isLoading = false;
}, 2000);