I have some javascript that fires off about 100 calls to a php script. the php script uses up a lot of memory and takes a few seconds to complete, then returns a json response of pass or fail.
I don't want the ajax calls to be asynchronous as the server would come to a grinding halt running 100 instances of itself, so I tried using synchronous, the only problem being it freezes the webpage while it calls the script one call at a time.
How can I fire off the ajax calls one at a time and not freeze the page i'm on?
var a = [];
a[0] = 'test';
a[1] = 'hello';
a[2] = 'another';
$.each(a, function(k,v) {
data: {foo: v},
success: function(data){
You can put in in a function that performs the next call, and call this from your success
handler, like this:
var i = 0;
function nextCall() {
if(i == a.length) return; //last call was last item in the array
data: { foo: a[i++] },
success: function(data){
Though...the better approach would be to not do 100 calls, unless this is a test suite of some-sort, I'd re-visit the whole approach.