I am trying to make a 2D game in LWJGL. I am having a problem with terrain generation.
I currently have an algorithm to generate terrain but it is always random and I can never get that same world again I would like to make an algorithm that generates a x and y coordinates based on a given number.
My current world generation looks like this:
final float STEP_MAX = 1f;
final float STEP_CHANGE = 1;
final int HEIGHT_MAX = 100;
double height = HEIGHT_MAX;
double slope = STEP_MAX;
for (int x = -WORLDSIZE; x < WORLDSIZE; x++) {
height += slope;
slope += (Math.random() * STEP_CHANGE) * 2 - STEP_CHANGE;
if (slope > STEP_MAX) slope = STEP_MAX;
if (slope < -STEP_MAX) slope = -STEP_MAX;
if (height > HEIGHT_MAX) {
height = HEIGHT_MAX;
slope *= -1;
if (height < 0) {
height = 0;
slope *= -1;
Tile newTile = new Tile(x*25,(int)height*25,25,25,TileType.Grass);
Thank you in advance for your help.
If you create your random number generator yourself (rather than letting Math.random() do so for you), you can specify a seed:
Random random = new Random(yourSeed);
the Random
class also has many useful methods you might want to look at.
More info: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Random.html