I can successfully bundle together my Typescript project and save it as a single file using e.g.
tsc --outFile "build/bundle.js"
However, this file only contains the Typescript files and none of the files it includes from the "node_modules" directory such as jQuery. If I try to execute the bundle, I'll just get errors the files cannot be found.
How can I add the "node_modules" files that my Typescript depends on to the same single bundle file? Typescript obviously knows where the files are as it has the paths correct.
I'm using SystemJS to load my project in the browser. I'll admit I'm very confused how I'm suppose to go about loading modules and bundling (I could use a SystemJS bundler??) and not understanding why there are so many paths to doing this.
I found the following in the docs:
in conjunction with--module amd
or--module system
will concatenate all modules in the compilation into a single output file containing multiple module closures.
Alternatively, you can check out the SystemJS Build Tool.