I have to two entities. One entity Person
, the other Message
. For every one Person, there are many messages (so there is a one to many relationship). I need to populate my tableView with Persons, but only Persons which have a set of messages that has at least one message with the attribute sent
equalling success
If what I said is not clear, here is basically what I want:
(obviously this does not compile, I completely made it up for the sake of the question) NSPredicate(Person.messages.contains (sent == "success")
Edit: Forgot to mention that I'm using Core - Data, not just a regular array. I need that NSPredicate for fetched results controller.
"ANY" can be used with a to-many relationship to find the objects for which at least one of the related objects satisfies a condition. In your case:
NSPredicate(format: "ANY messages.sent == %@", "success")