I asked this question in a few places, and still haven't figured it out completely yet, so maybe some smart people here will have an idea how to approach that.
What's the best way of maintaining a deep nested hierarchy of prefabs in a project? Say, we have a few GUI screens, made of smaller, generic components. For the sake of simplicity, let's call the former "views", and the latter - "components". Views deal with semantics (e.g. inventory view, store view); components are configurable, but have no business logic attached to them whatsoever (for instance, a button cares only about its OnTap callback/event handler).
Both views and components can be nested.
GUI views need to be reused across multiple scenes.
The main issue with this approach in Unity is the fact that any nested hierarchy, once turned into a prefab, loses references to its children prefabs, like in this (completely made up, yet still valid) example:
- storeView
- UIViewHeader
- UIHeaderLabel<Text>
- UIList
- UIListItem
- UIThumbnail
- UITitleLabel<Text>
- UISubTitleLabel<Text>
- UIPrimaryButton<Button>
- ...
I'd like to keep all of these, small UI* components in separate prefabs, but also keep the storeView prefab so I can easily add it to different scenes. Unfortunately, as soon, as we create the storeView prefab, all of the UI* prefab references are lost. Given that, we could try a different approach, in which instead of having a storeView prefab with content, we keep it empty and pick one of these few options:
Use a componentised architecture, where child prefab references are stored in complex prefabs by default. Internally think of them as UIView and subviews on mobile (Cocoa), or component classes in React or better, functional components - React/Cycle/Elm/anything that goes well with FRP (yes, I know these approaches differ in so many ways, but the key is composability, achieved either by functional composition, decorators, et cetera, et cetera...).
pros: makes testing and iterating on new features way easier, makes prefabs way more powerful, whilst not losing any of their benefits (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm still getting familiar with Unity)
please don't think I'm expecting all of that from Unity, but that's one of the possible directions even if 1% of that is true.
Just to make it clear, it's not a rant regarding Unity, as a developer working previously with mobile (native) and web, I find it impressing how many of my problems it solves, and how ridiculously simple some of these solutions are.
I'd probably maintain the composite views in separate Scenes. Simply consider these scenes as they were prefabs, containing only a single prototype object of the given class.
Using SceneManager.LoadScene
with LoadSceneMode.Additive
you could even create some static factory method, like:
public class UIStoreView
public static UIStoreView Instance()
SceneManager.LoadScene("UIStoreView", LoadSceneMode.Additive);
return GameObject.Find("UIStoreView");
With some naming convetion you can achieve something as simple as storeView = UIStoreView.Instance();
Not a universal / scalable stuff, but at least you have something lightweight / maintainable until they roll out nested prefabs (timeline uncertain as they say).