I apologize that this question will be hard to make fully reproducible because it involves a running spark context (referenced to as sc below), but I am trying to set a hadoopConfiguration in sparklyr, specifically for accessing swift/objectStore objects from RStudio sparklyr as a Spark object, but in general for a scala call to hadoopConfiguration. Something like (scala code):
where sc is a running spark context. In SparkR I can run (R code)
hConf = SparkR:::callJMethod(sc, "hadoopConfiguration")
SparkR:::callJMethod(hConf, "set", paste("fs.swift.service.keystone.auth.url"), paste("https://identity.open.softlayer.com/v3/auth/tokens",sep=""))
in sparklyr I have tried every incantation of this that I think of, but my best guess is (again R code)
sc %>% invoke("set", paste("fs.swift.service.keystone,auth.url"), paste("https://identity.open.softlayer.com/v3/auth/tokens",sep=""))
but this results in the non-verbose error (and irregular spelling) of
Error in enc2utf8(value) : argumemt is not a character vector
of course I tried to encode the inputs in every way that I can think of (naturally enc2utf8(value) being the first, but many others including lists and as.character(as.list(...)) which appears to be a favorite for sparklyr coders). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have combed the source code for sparklyr and cannot find any mentions of hadoopConfiguration in the sparklyr github, so I am afraid that I missing something very basic in the core configuration. I have also tried to pass these configs in the config.yml in the spark_connect() core call, but while this is working in setting the "fs.swift.service.keystone.auth.url" as a sc$config$s.swift.service.keystone.auth.url setting, it is apparently failing to set these as a core hadoopConfiguration.
By the way, I am using Spark1.6, scala 2.10, R 3.2.1, and sparklyr_0.4.19.
I figured this out
set_swift_config <- function(sc){
#get spark_context
ctx <- spark_context(sc)
#set the java spark context
jsc <- invoke_static(
#set the swift configs:
hconf <- jsc %>% invoke("hadoopConfiguration")
hconf %>% invoke("set","fs.swift.service.keystone.auth.url",
"https://identity.open.softlayer.com/v3/auth/tokens" )
which can be run with set_swift_config(sc)